Fallout 4
mass pike sunrise

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  1. IcewaterKat
    • premium
    • 60 kudos
    Great time for beautiful colors. Looking good here.

    That last shot of her though.....daaaang. Looking great.
    1. xrayy
      • premium
      • 380 kudos
      thank you!
  2. chickmetalhead
    • supporter
    • 150 kudos
    Gorgeous game, beautiful Jamie!

    I really like a lot about my current FO4, especially compared to my first playthrough, but it does not stand up to yours. Part of this is you playing with uGrids at 7 (I think) - but your game looks fantastic all the way to the horizon.

    Maybe some day I will post some images from my game, now that my big project is out of the way. Ha! Maybe some day, I will get a 4K TV (I am playing on a 1080p TV at the moment), and see if that really makes a difference... or kills performance running at a higher resolution. Almost all of my PC game play has been 1080p, so I don't know what the hit is on the GPU when playing at 1440p or full 4k.
    1. xrayy
      • premium
      • 380 kudos
      thank you, cmh! fo4 is a great game treated right - no doubt! yes i play ugrids at 7 since years. combined with 4k you need a capable rig and 16GB vram at least. with my 4080 no problem. together with a 4k oled tv and nice sound devices it feels close to real . it is like a drug .
    2. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 150 kudos
      2 questions:
      The first is to clarify: Is your 4080 output signal 1440p or true 4k (2160p)? The second question, is how much does it effect VRAM or actual RAM if you run your 4080 at either of those levels, compared to running it at 1080p. What I mean is that using the same modded game and same textures, does running the GPU at higher resolutions require more memory of either type? Obviously, it is going to drive the GPU itself harder with the higher resolutions. Not looking for any kind of numbers or percentages, just if there is a real difference related to memory.

      The reason I ask is for my Skyrim LE... it is a really packed game. It works great, almost always. But if running 1440p or 2160p uses more memory, I could have a problem. That is why I have thought about maybe going to 1440p once I have a 4k TV instead of 2160p. But if it only affects how hard the GPU works, then I only need to worry about if the GPU I have at the time can handle it, if I ever get off my lazy butt and get the 4k TV.

      I will say this on your last point. With some added quest mods and an upgraded game visually (compared to my first playthrough), I think I am having more fun playing FO4 for a second time, than I am play Assassin's Creed Origins. I am having a blast in Origins too, but I seem to end up playing FO4 longer most nights.

      Hahahaha... it IS very possible that has something to do with the girls I have in my crew when playing FO4! Currently Piper (just swapped her for Curie) and Mollie, and swapping between Heather and Valkyrie as a third member of the crew.

      Edit: Speaking of the girls, I see you added more images! Thanks!!
    3. xrayy
      • premium
      • 380 kudos
      i use dlaa not dlss. so i play with full 2160p. if you like crisp high res textures you definitely need a 4080 class gpu or better and at least the 16gb vram. everything else is a bad compromise with 4k. that is my experience. i owned a 2080 and a 3080 before - both very good cards. with the 4080 i feel the first time the full potential and graphics fidelity of the game with acceptable fps.

      skyrim le is 32bit and has a memory managing problem trying settings with 4k due to the 4GB mem limitation. there will be always stutter that can't be cured - together with dx9 limitation finally the reason i updated to sse. 32bit limited le with a high end gpu is a waste of money and performance. even the better 64bit drawcall handling of the creation engine (fo4, SSE) is not state of the art with high end hardware. the 4080 works ok with fo4 and sse in 4k. combine it with at least a mid tier cpu. my ryzen 5600x is sufficient. do not use a slower cpu.

      jamie as my own character creation is one reason i like the game so much. combined with her voice and some great mods it makes this game so unique and entertaining for me.
    4. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 150 kudos
      Thanks for the feedback on FO4 and the hardware! And while I agree getting a 4080 or 4090 might not be cost effective for LE alone, I also play more modern games that would certainly work better with one of those as well!

      As for LE, I know you, like many or most users, don't think you can make a heavy modded LE run due to the 32-bit limitations, but with care, tuning, and some special modifications of my own to reduce overhead... my fully loaded LE game runs 55-58 FPS (capped at 58 FPS) almost everywhere, mostly without any stutter at all. With a full implementation of DynDOLOD. At least at 1080p. There are a few places where there is something that gives me a bit of trouble, Around or between Riverwood and Falkreath. But I have multiple added homes in that area, including an extreme Lakeview Manor setup. Also outside Whiterun where I also have several added home mods - Maybe 7 of them? 8 if you count Serana's Hideout but that is underground, so just a hatch and some flowers in the exterior.

      We have discussed some of this before, of course. For most users you are correct about LE limitations. And they are limitations. But I am stubborn and have beaten my LE game into submission.

      Hmm... maybe Alex and her magic is what allows me to keep LE running great! Like your Jamie is to you, Alex is to me. Although you are Jamie, while I am not Alex. Haha, I just confused myself again! My point, of course, is that both Jamie and Alex are awesome, and they are what makes these games worth playing.
    5. xrayy
      • premium
      • 380 kudos
      the problem for me was the cell change stutter in 32bit combined with 4k.  this does not occur with the 64bit engine. this stutter during cell change (a 32bit mem bottleneck of the game engine) was not mod dependent. i encountered it even with 64GB system memory and it annoyed me. if you do not encounter it in 4k res and with ugrids at 7 you maybe found a special ini setting i was all the time not aware of. 1080p res is probably too low to encounter this mem loading bottleneck. as a 4k fan since years i had no choice...
    6. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 150 kudos
      Yeah, I was thinking about this, and was about to do a test. I don't run ugrids=7 on my games. In Skyrim, especially with all my large trees, it isn't as important. In Fallout 4, as evidenced by your game and our past discussions, ugrids=7 is a critical part of what makes your Fallout 4 so amazing. But that is just a part, most of what makes your Fallout 4 so gorgeous is your skill that went into building your game, and your skill in getting images that capture that, as well!

      Regarding the resolution, you are saying that you think running 4k rather than 1080p resolution would change the memory usage in the main Skyrim LE 32-bit address space? Not just in the ENB's enbhost address space(s)? In that case, my original thinking of trying 1440p for Skyrim LE might be worth a try... and might just fail. When I get a 4k TV, I will have to look into how easy or hard it is to have some games at 4k and some at 1080p or 1440p. I would think the TV would recognise whatever it was sent, but not sure about PC settings, and how hard it would be, if possible, to switch the resolutions between games. Currently, I am playing 3 different games, so that would be important. Ha! I wonder if that is part of why I keep putting off getting that 4k TV!

      Edit: Hmm... thinking about this a little more, changing resolution on the PC would probably mess a lot of things up on the desktop layout. Not as important on my gaming PC as it is on my PC in my office where I do real life stuff and where I do my Skyrim modding before migrating changes down to my actual gaming PC. But still important. Oh well, I will figure that out in the future.

      Edit2: Hmm... again. Reading about DLSS and DLAA that you mentioned earlier, so it appears that I need to learn some things before upgrading to 4k!
  3. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 330 kudos
    Richtig schön entspannte Sonnenuntergangsstimmung
    Mir gefällt das vorletzte Bild besonders gut. Die beiden Mädels schauen sich an ... war ein guter Tag
    1. xrayy
      • premium
      • 380 kudos
      ja, fo4 eignet sich für schöne Stimmungen! fo4 fasziniert wie skyrim mit seiner open world
    2. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 330 kudos
      Deshalb hänge ich ja auch da fest
  4. 54yeg
    • supporter
    • 19 kudos
    God how beautiful
    1. xrayy
      • premium
      • 380 kudos
      comment is much appreciated! thank you!
  5. gurleygirl
    • premium
    • 381 kudos
    Gorgeous ultra-realistic scenes.
    Your FO4 is awesome.
    1. xrayy
      • premium
      • 380 kudos
      thank you so much! the game feels really good