Fallout 4
And so it begins - again

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  1. chickmetalhead
    • supporter
    • 150 kudos
    Okay, let's try this again with the correct main image, not one from Skyrim!

    Spoiler Alert

    If you have never played Fallout 4, and don't want to see what happens at the start, please do not continue viewing these images, or view at your own risk. I am assuming most people seeing this set will have already gone through this first part, but you never know.

    You have been warned!
  2. StilwaterSaint
    • premium
    • 80 kudos
    Oh, wow.
    Sanctuary looks so clean and tidy and colourful!
    And sunny - it brings to mind the old bumper (fender?) sticker - "It's a beautiful day - watch some one go and spoil it!"
    Lovely images, cmh
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 150 kudos
      Hey friend! Thanks!! I had to go back to review my own set, because I didn't know what was in it! I forgot that the images of Sanctuary were all from the pre-war introduction to the game.

      To clarify why that was a bit, towards the end of my last playthrough, I had rebuilt Sanctuary with new pre-war houses, although not furnished like in the above pre-war images. In my new playthrough, I recently decided it was time to use the Transfer Settlements mod to tranfer my previous playthrough's Sanctuary into my new playthrough, and it worked almost perfectly! I have used it on two other settlements so far with great success. For other settlements, well... I will need to start over from scratch, because the ones I did a few years ago were just terrible and NOT worth transferring to my new game!


      On your beautiful day comment, I hear ya. I just tried to get through to a government agency on the phone, and by the time I finally got transferred out of automated phone tree hell... as seems to happen a large percentage of the time... I got a fast busy signal. Possibly caused by a dropped phone or a hangup.

      Okay, those emojis above might be overstating my mood, because to be totally honest... it was exactly what I expected. Not sure about over there, but here... there is no customer or citizen service at all. Not from business and not from government. I blame it all on the Thalmor, and Thalmor like entities!

      Thanks for letting me vent!
  3. DangerousChicken12
    • supporter
    • 180 kudos
    Enjoy your second playthrough, and have lots of fun my friend!
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 150 kudos
      Thank you, my friend! Several new quest mods this time, a new custom bodyslided Fusion Girl body for the girls, and a ton of outfit conversions, incudling a few I had to do myself in Outfit Studio because there wasn't an FG conversion available. Already found a few I forgot, and I am also finding things I need to fix that I missed during building and testing this playthrough. Dang precombines and previs issues made one area look like it was exploding, recombining, and exploding again! That was an easy fix (because it was something I changed, not done by a mod ) and I should not have missed it before I started. It caused a few minutes of TOTAL panic today before I figured it out.

      Have fun with your Starfield playthrough, and sorry I won't be viewing any Starfield images. I really hate spoilers, especially for a game like that. And you folks who jump on a new game... are even more crazy than I am! But have a blast - and I will join you when a large share of the bugs are worked out. Probably not until next year.
    2. DangerousChicken12
      • supporter
      • 180 kudos
      Yes it is a bit of a "StarCrash" ATM lol and yes in a year it will be all fixed (By modders no doubt lol!!)
  4. arghTease
    • premium
    • 207 kudos
    You might want to get Alien Elvis involved in this go round  🤣🤣🤣  very nice set and fun reminder
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 150 kudos
      Thanks, I am missing Judy and Panam from Cyberpunk, but I am having fun with this new playthrough already. Once I find a fun girl to hang out with here, things will seem better. Well, until Alex hunts me down!

      Regarding Alien Elvis... how did you know I needed to improve my aiming skills in Fallout 4...
  5. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 315 kudos
    Howdy, CMH, having a run through F4 now (again, from what you said).  I'm currently in a winter play through with SS2 and the main reason I keep coming back to F4 is the building aspect (the main story line does nothing for me ) but I do like building settlements and the SS2 storyline is pretty good (except I loathe HQ).  Your PC is looking pretty darn good, imo.
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 150 kudos
      Hi 'Cat! Sometimes I do things to see if anyone notices, and sometimes I mess things up. In this case... both! The original title "And so it begins - again" was intended to be a throwback to 1/1/2021, when I started my current full Skyrim playthrough - and that image title was "And so it Begins". So the "again" was refering to that, not just that it was a 2nd playthrough. Then I screwed up the image set posting a Skryim main image, so I quick killed that and added Take 2 to the end of my original title, and republished. Haha, then I looked at the new title, and it confused me... but I wasn't going to replace it again. As Harley in my Skyrim said to me when we first met, after telling me her story... "Kind of boring, ain't it"

      Edit: Haha, while testing something else, I found out you can change the image title after it is published, so i got rid of the Take 2 part! What a noob I can be after all these years!

      But yeah, this willl be my 2nd full playthrough of Fallout 4. SSGStryker also mentioned SS2 in an earlier comment, and also mentioned that the HQ portion was a pain. So I have even more mixed feelings, but I will be researching SS2 to see if I can work it into this playthrough... but I think I will proceed without it. I know I have mods that conflict, and I am not sure my Fallout 4 modding skills are good enough to resolve them. But if not in this one, probably in a 3rd playthrough if I ever get to that. Plus, I have several settlements that I was planning to transfer into this playthrough using the Transfer Settlements mod because I spent so much time on them the first time.

      Thanks so much for the comment on my PC. Truth be told, Looks Menu (Or RaceMenu in Skyrim) is my weakest skill, as I am a tech geek, not an artist. So your comment makes me feel great. Thanks!! Once outside the vault, his hair color will appear bolder during the day, so I will let you reserve final judgement until I show him in a future set.
  6. lesjones
    • premium
    • 158 kudos
    Hi CMH,
    I've never played this game, partly because I'm not that big into science fiction and secondly because the current UK government seems absolutely determined to foist a communist dystopia upon it's citizens and I don't need to play at dystopic when I will soon be able to get the real thing here.

    These are great images and I'll admit that it made the game look very interesting indeed.

    I'll look forward to seeing more of your sets of this game!  
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 150 kudos
      Hi Les!

      It is interesting what you say... the USA and at least parts of our government seem to be trying to steer us that way as well. The other aspect that is maybe more unique to us, relative to this game, is that the threat from Russia during the cold war, and possibly China in the next cold war (although I hope we can avoid that), are really brought to mind as this game begins. I remember growing up not wondering IF the worst would happen, but when. Especially as I lived in a city with an Air Force base near by, and watched military planes flying overhead almost every day. We got lucky for a while, but the current world does seem anxious to take us back to an insane path. Having said that...

      While this type of game is not for everybody, it IS filled with interesting characters... especially when you throw in a bunch of mods. And a few extra girls, of course!

      Thanks for your comments about the images themselves, but keep in mind these are prewar images, and so things look way nicer than they do once you leave Vault 111 and enter the post war world. Although in this playthrough, things will look very different than my last playthrough or the vanilla game. As you will see, assuming I get motivated to do more sets...

      Take care, my friend, and remember... there is always hope things will get better!
  7. SSGStryker
    • premium
    • 53 kudos
    Have fun with it.  I'm doing Sim Settlements 2 - on like my fifth or sixth playthrough - and I'm taking a Starfield hiatus while kinggath and crew sort out all the usual SS2 issues for a few months.  I might just start completely over when I return to it, but some of SS2 is such a PAIN to redo, like the HQ, I'd rather not.  Still, Starfield is so good it might be a long time till I return to the Commonwealth, and my wife Curie. 
    1. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 150 kudos
      I decided to do another playthrough, in part, because I missed Piper, Cait, Curie, and a few others. Even Revy and Mollie - talk about two extremely opposite personalities, but both crazy!

      I went back and forth on using SS2, and decided to skip it. Mainly because I had spent so much time building some of my settlements, that once I found the transfer settlements mod that lets you backup a settlement and restore it into a different playthrough, I decided to go that way. So my plan is to build from scratch a settlement or two (my earliest ones that were terrible in my last playthrough), and then decide if I want to skip the rest and just try to transfer them. I am pretty sure I will be doing mostly transfers, being a bit lazy this time.

      I noticed in your few images that you seemed to play, at least in part, a Winter themed game. This one for me will be the opposite, playing a Summer themed game.

      As for Starfield, I will wait until next year. I am going to completely avoid it for now and let others work out the bugs first!
    2. SSGStryker
      • premium
      • 53 kudos
      Just to have a quick chat - did I say quick?  I do the verboten thing with seasons and swap season mods via the long ago Nexus-removed Fallout 4 Seasons.  I know removing mods tends to break saves, but back in the day the game was still pretty stable for me.  Winter hits about the "first day of Christmas," Dec 14th.  If I quit and restart after a run in Starfield, I might do their Spring Thaw and just leave it there, so patches of snow will be in pre-spring greenery the whole time.

      I don't just miss people like Curie - who has become my wife in spirit - and the whole crew that shows up in Sim Settlements 2, I miss the Commonwealth itself and the story of that weird world.  It has kept me ignoring other games like Cyberpunk, Mass Effect and Bethy's own Skyrim.

      SS2 has a really good story to it, and it would be tough for me to not include it in future playthroughs, though I would like to try Fourville and SS2 doesn't play well with other adventure mods.  I've had my one fling with Thuggysmurf's Porniverse.  I had no idea what I was in for...

      Starfield is actually pretty good now, after four or five days of periodic crashes.  Five days without a crash, mission glitch, door not working, or the dreaded floating companion bug.  It's amazingly stable now for an early Bethesda release.  They must be doing stealth updates right along as people complain to them.  Still, I'll be awaiting eagerly an Unofficial Starfield Patch when the Creation Kit 2 comes out.  And then the mods will pour!  I fell in love with the universe, addicted to all the special loots, and there is a ravishing black Russian girl - Russian??  These people are too spooked by the woke crowd, I swear... but I digress.  I have a feeling she's going to be my squeeze each playthrough.  Unless there's an alien space babe lurking in the coming months...

      Enjoy your time in the Commonwealth! 
    3. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 150 kudos
      Thanks! The girls are what I miss most, Piper most of all. Curie is a sweety for sure. I have played the Mass Effect Trilogy on xbox without mods, and it did have an alien space babe - Liara, who is a blue skinned Asari. I have considered trying the remastered Mass Effect Legendary for PC. I also just finished Cyberpunk 2077, and I am in my 3rd year of my extremely modded Skyrim LE playthrough.

      I did include Fourville for this playthrough, and I wonder now if part of the reason I decided to skip SS2 was conflicts with that or other mods. I have been working on this build off and on for 3-4 months, and it is hard to remember. If I do a 3rd playthrough, I will include SS2 - I know it is very popular. If my Fallout 4 internals knowledge was as good as my Skyrim knowledge, I might even try SS2 and work around the conflicts myself. Hmm... maybe I will do some testing on an alternate MO2 profile to see what SS2 is really like. Maybe.

      I have been hearing good things about Starfield, it seems to be the type of game I will love. But I also have 2 Assassins Creed games to play, that I picked up on a Steam sale. Haha, I know you don't know me, but I may wait until Starfield gets a discount. But then again, maybe not. I do love science fiction themed games.

      Have fun on all your gaming adventures!