Fallout 4
Brotherhood of Steel

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Wow! Impressive! :)


  1. Corfus
    • supporter
    • 288 kudos
    I love that entrance bit, the night time version feels slightly better due to the lighting
    1. SydneyB
      • premium
      • 1,094 kudos
      Ah, next time I'll wait until it is night time to see it, Corfus!
  2. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 883 kudos
    Oh I just love their entrance! They have their issues but still glad Wolf joined them even if I like the minute men overall.
    1. SydneyB
      • premium
      • 1,094 kudos
      It is a great entrance, Jon! So, at the end you have to choose between them and the minutemen?
    2. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 883 kudos
      Ah no sorry didn't mean it that way. In some cases, depending on your choices, the MM can get into conflict with other factions but overall they are the only faction that can always remain neutral if you want.

      If you side with any of the other three factions (BOS, RR, INST) the MM can be left alone and you can still be the general. But those three always want you to kill of the other two. Now if you side with just the MM then you do have to kill the INST but you can remain friendly, to various degrees, with the others.

      I like the MM as they just want to live and let live and help people. They get along with the other factions. The INST you have to get (at the very least if siding with the MM) because their attitude is either you are with us or against us.

      So what I meant is that by completing the BOS quest line Wolf had to do some things he wasn't happy/proud about - things he would not have had to do if he had instead completed the ending for the MM. Then he could still be part of the BOS but primarily be the champion for the MM. Just that I prefer the ideals of the MM over the more bigoted, extremist, and dictatorial approach of the BOS.

      I went with the BOS mainly because I had gone to far along in the quest line, and was romancing Danse, to back out easily (would have required losing days of play time or using console hacks). Also because I felt too really help the common wealth it would take a lot of organization and resources - something the BOS has that the MM do not. I also felt my position in the BOS, at the end, might help soften their approach a little to help civilians more. Lastly Wolf is still the general of the MM by doing it this way. So in my mind he has access to both the MM and the BOS now to help everyone and can use the BOS to help train the MM better. So it seemed like a good idea.

      Mainly this is a case where I think the practical solution, with the best hope of helping humanity recover, was with the BOS but morally and ethically I would have preferred the MM.

      My new guy Fenrir, who is more about chaos and personal goals (where as Wolf was more lawful and orderly) will most likely go with the MM as they reflect his own desires - live and let live and let people do their own thing but have the MM to provide protection and a democratic form of governance.

      On a side note I see the BOS and the INST as both authoritative and focused on law and order. The MM and RR I see as focused on the individual and more chaotic. The RR is really useless in the end as they won't do anything to help the common wealth. So for me its either the MM with its freedom but lack of resources and ability to organize and control ... or one of the two dictators.
    3. SydneyB
      • premium
      • 1,094 kudos
      I see, Jon. I haven't gone so far into the story of each of the organisations to see that. I've only joined the Minutemen and the BOS, and haven't met any of the other two. Right now, I like both of them (MM and BOS), but they may change as you follow their questlines.

      I may make a backup save before having to choose sides and then go from there to test each of the factions XD
    4. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 883 kudos
      Ah hope I didn't spoil too much. I tried to keep it pretty generic and vague.
    5. SydneyB
      • premium
      • 1,094 kudos
      Not at all. Don't worry, Jon
  3. cormell
    • premium
    • 338 kudos
    Yeah, those guys really know how to make an entrance.Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.
    1. SydneyB
      • premium
      • 1,094 kudos
      Indeed, Cormell
  4. Bernt
    • premium
    • 383 kudos
    Good one
    1. SydneyB
      • premium
      • 1,094 kudos
      Thanks Bernt