WARS WIP - Junk Blade 05

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This is an image from a FO4 mod I'm working on called Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS).

The WIP thread can be found here.

Lately I've been working out how melee weapons in WARS will work. AmmoTweaks v1 has a feature I'm using/adapting that allows you to cycle between different "Attack Modes" for melee weapons. Typically "Swing", "Sweep" and "Thrust" - with different animations as appropriate. In WARS, this is done with the Fire Mode hotkey.

The different Attack Modes have different effects, depending on the weapon type:

- 1H Small Blade - Thrust Attack
--- 25% Chance of 10 Bleed DAM/s vs DR for 5s. -40% Target DR. +25% Wear Rate.

- 1H Small Blade - Swing Attack
--- 25% Chance of 8 Bleed DAM/s vs DR for 5s. +20% AP Cost. +20% Limb Damage. -8% Reach. +150% Target DR.

- 1H Blade - Swing Attack
--- 25% Chance of 8 Bleed DAM/s vs DR for 5s. +20% Limb Damage. +150% Target DR.

- 1H Blade - Thrust Attack
--- 25% Chance of 10 Bleed DAM/s vs DR for 5s. -15% AP Cost. +12.5% Reach. -40% Target DR. +25% Wear Rate.

- 2H Blade - 2H Swing Attack
--- 25% Chance of 8 Bleed DAM/s vs DR for 5s. +20% Limb Damage. +150% Target DR.

- 2H Blade - 2H Sweep Attack
--- Hits all targets in front of you. 25% Chance of 8 Bleed DAM/s vs DR for 5s. 5% Chance to stagger. +15% Reach. -25% Damage. +25% AP Cost. +150% Target DR. +25% Wear Rate.

- 2H Blade - 1H Thrust Attack
--- 25% Chance of 10 Bleed DAM/s vs DR for 5s. +25% AP Cost. +15% Reach. -40% Target DR. +20% Wear Rate.

- 1H Blunt - Swing Attack
--- -25% Target DR.

- 1H Blunt - Thrust Attack
--- 25% Chance to stagger. -75% Damage. +25% AP Cost. +25% Target DR. +20% Wear Rate.

- 2H Small Blunt - 2H Swing Attack
--- -25% Target DR.

- 2H Small Blunt - 1H Sweep Attack
--- Hits all targets in front of you. -25% Damage. +50% AP Cost. +25% Wear Rate.

- 2H Small Blunt - 1H Thrust Attack
--- 25% Chance to stagger. -75% Damage. +25% AP Cost. +25% Target DR. +20% Wear Rate.

- 2H Large Blunt - 2H Swing Attack
--- -25% Target DR.

- 2H Large Blunt - 2H Sweep Attack
--- Hits all targets in front of you. 5% Chance to stagger. +15% Reach. -25% Damage. +25% AP Cost. +25% Wear Rate.

- 1H Axe - Swing Attack
--- 25% Chance of 8 Bleed DAM/s vs DR for 5s. +20% Limb Damage. -25% Target DR.

- 1H Axe - Thrust Attack
--- 25% Chance to stagger. -75% Damage. +25% AP Cost. +25% Target DR. +20% Wear Rate.

- 2H Axe - 2H Swing Attack
--- 25% Chance of 8 Bleed DAM/s vs DR for 5s. +20% Limb Damage. -25% Target DR.

- 2H Axe - 2H Sweep Attack
--- Hits all targets in front of you. 25% Chance of 8 Bleed DAM/s vs DR for 5s. 5% Chance to stagger. +15% Reach. -25% Damage. +25% AP Cost. +25% Wear Rate.

- 2H Axe - 1H Thrust Attack
--- 25% Chance to stagger. -75% Damage. +25% AP Cost. +25% Target DR. +20% Wear Rate.

While working on all this, I realised that Fallout 4 has both one and two-handed axe and blunt weapons, but only one-handed blade weapons - so I decided to fill that gap by adding this weapon: the "Junk Blade".

The idea is that they're forged in disparate workshops in the Wasteland, from whatever scrap steel of reasonable quality can be found. They come with one or two-handed grips, and in three different blade lengths. Depending on the blade length, it will be a "Junk Tanto", "Junk Katana" or "Junk Nodachi" - and depending on the grip length, the weapon will use one-handed or two-handed Attack Modes.

I made this from scratch, but obviously it's a relatively simple design; I didn't want to spend a lot of time on this one. I needed a bit of a break from all the CK and scripting monkey-work, though. ;)


  1. WolfLordGrimnar
    • supporter
    • 17 kudos
    Yo brother, love your mod WIPs. Do you have a discord?
    1. antistar
      • premium
      • 1,636 kudos

      Technically I do have a Discord account, but I hardly ever use it. Mainly just to play games with friends sometimes.
    2. WolfLordGrimnar
      • supporter
      • 17 kudos
      Do you post progress of your mods on there?
    3. antistar
      • premium
      • 1,636 kudos
      No, nothing like that. The WIP threads for WARS and PEACE are where I post updates. You can choose to follow a thread (using a button near the top-right of the page) if you'd like to get a notification when someone posts in the thread/s.
  2. nexusguy
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Exellent work! Though they're so well made I find it hard to believe they're made of junk, perhaps "handmade" should be a better definition.
    1. antistar
      • premium
      • 1,636 kudos
      Haha - I just posted about exactly that, in the WIP thread.

      And thanks.
    2. nexusguy
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      Just read about it, makes sense, either way, exellent work! Can't wait to play WARS!