Fallout 4
never surrender

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a precisely analyzing interview regarding putin in march 2022

who stops the russian dirty war and slaughter in the ukraine ?
how can so many russians support that while the world is witness of this massacre of alle the ukrainian civilians and even in the meantime also of their own sons ?
how can anyone still deny the brutality of this war and still believe putin and medwedew propaganda, how can anyone act so unethical and cynical as putin does ?

Russia cannot defeat the spirit and the people of Ukraine without inhumanity!

this war is not a "military operation", it is clearly the try to continue the already illegal annexation from 2014.
even if this aggression works out for russia it is just because russia was better prepared for war and for such a high blood toll.

everyone knows the truth in the meantime including all russian mothers of their sons, killed for putins pride and his personal war without any reason and arguments just to kill his own neighbours who prefer life with out any russian aggression and dependency. in the meantime no fake annexation or ruthless violence will ever change that fact in any true ukrainian heart.