Fallout 4
Enter Minutemen Preston Garvey

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  1. CreepingDarkness
    • member
    • 14 kudos
    settlement has 999 defense impenetrable walls 500 missile turrets yet settlers still get kidnapped and if you miss a settlement attack they can't win on their own
    1. HaseoXthForm1
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      having the settlers tricked with OP gear, fighting along side tricked out automatons and Liberty Reborn Power Armor Guards... I've never had an issue even against Death Claws of a Death Claw Queen.
    2. suntiger745
      • member
      • 40 kudos
      People did some experimentation on this. If you are not at the settlement or arrive while the attack is ongoing there is still a low% chance that the attackers will cause damage to it (fail to defend themselves) no matter how high defense you have.

      For a similar reason walls don't really work (beyond being aesthetic), because in some cases the attackers will teleport inside.