Fallout 4
Advanced Needs 76 - Coming Soon

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Advanced Needs 76
a Flashy(JoeR) mod

The next iteration of Advanced Needs, coded from the top-down, to bring the best of AN2 and Fallout 76's many survival systems, with the same level of control over the systems as you are used to., to your game!

Here's a short list (lol) of what AN76 has to offer:

  • Primary Needs System - eating, drinking, sleeping.
  • Hygiene System - manage your dental, bathing and bathroom needs.
  • Disease System - provides many many ways for you to get ill and the means to treat said illnesses.
  • Health System - handles things like food poisoning, radiation poisoning, how you heal when you sleep, use stimpaks, etc.
  • Wound System - you can suffer bleeding wounds that require bandaging or medical attention.
  • Carry Weight System - handles how much you can carry, if ammo has weight, if it hurts your bones if you carry too much.
  • Gasmask System - manages whether or not you need to wear protective gear in bad weather.
  • Farming System - allows the player to plant and tend their own crops without needing settlers.
  • Fishing System - a highly upgraded version of Commonwealth Fishing, allowing you to, well, catch fish for food.
  • Spoilage System - provides the means to degrade and spoil your carried fooditems. Allows converting spoiled items to fertilizer.
  • Water Bottle System - fill them at all water sources. One at a time or all in one shot. Decide if you get an empty bottle back when drinking.
  • World Consumption - allow or disallow eating/drinking directly from the floor rather than picking things up first.
  • Brahmin Milking - milk cows, for milk. Milk is good. Removes Rads.
  • Tree Chopping - pretty self explanatory. Chop trees for wood.
  • Couch Sleeping - again, self explanatory. Sleep on couches.
  • Car Scavenging - take a wrench and gut old cars for scrap.
  • Coffee Machine - brew coffee to help keep you awake.
  • Stealth Takedowns - Sneak up and kill baddies from behind when you have Mr Sandman 1 and Sneak 1 perks.
  • Disguises - craft disguises so you can walk among the enemy without aggroing them.
  • Ammo Crafting - self explanatory.
  • Settler Assistance - taken from Crime and Punishment, allows you to interactwith random settler-type NPCs and offer assistance to them.
  • Headshot System - hardcoded, cannot be altered - makes headshots LETHAL.
  • Tracer System - makes ballistics have weight (bullet drop) and have tracers rounds. Hardcoded, cannot be altered.
  • CAMP - two modes, simple camping and CAMP, ala Fallout76, where you build a camp as if it was a settlement.
  • MREs - AN2's prepackaged meal system returns in AN76 so that you can convert meat and produce into craftable items to make MREs.

Advanced Needs 76 will also release with a series of user made patches to inject other tree mod's trees into the chopping system, a portable workbench (ala C.A.M.P.), as well as customized gas masks and patching for True Storms for the particulate intake system.

Coming as soon as that flag "mod" leaves the hot files.


  1. JonExx
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I'm currently playing AN 2 v2.8.4 and am enjoying it a lot!
    (in combination with CaP and CF and GfH )
    So, I'm really looking forward to this new iteration!
    1. FlashyJoer
      • premium
      • 841 kudos
      You may not be so happy come release time, lol.

      An2 and An76 do not share the same file name - you can't just replace AN2 with the new one. AND, Commonwealth Fishing was taken from AN76, which has a better version of it, so you'd need to ditch it too.

      But it IS worth it. Or so I've been told a fair amount of times.
    2. JonExx
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      No problem at all to replace two old mods with one brand new and shiny mod that contains all the good stuff from the past and more

      I'm doing new play-throughs on a regular base anyway, so...
      the forecast still says that I'm going to be happy with AN 76
  2. DovahRich
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Do you know how compatible AN76 will be with Equipment and Crafting Overhaul? I don't see anything right away except maybe the ammo crafting. 
    1. FlashyJoer
      • premium
      • 841 kudos
      No clue. Don't use it.

      But the beauty of AN76 is that every single component of it, aside from tracers and headshots, is disabled/not running by default. Even ammo crafting. You need to enable each system you want to use. So if you dont want my ammo crafting and want to use that other mods, all good, just dont turn my ammo crafting system on.
    2. DovahRich
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      You my man have made some the greatest mods. I'm actually waiting for the damn flag to come down before starting a new play through because this mod will replace like 10 mods I have on my load order and I have never been anything but happy with your work. Thank you so much for taking the time to do this.
  3. stonedchilla
    • premium
    • 6 kudos
    I can't wait to translate AN76, when it's out. Then i also upload my german translation of GFH with all patches.

    Then it's time to start New game with CAP, GFH & AN76 (AN3 lol)

  4. radbeetle
    • premium
    • 493 kudos
    Looking forward to it! When you say of the headshot and tracer systems 'cannot be altered', does this include being toggled on or off? ie, are they always on and can't be turned off.
    1. FlashyJoer
      • premium
      • 841 kudos
      They are overrides of base game forms, so they cannot be toggled. Specifically, alterations to bodypartdata and projectile forms. These are not things you can toggle. But... that said, if you dont want the headshots, you have two choices.

      Delete the bodypartdata overrides from the mod, or,  use a tool built into the mod that allows you to wear a helmet to reduce headshot damage to the player by 90%, which effectively returns headshot damage to you back to base game levels.

      For bullets (and this ONLY affects ballistic projectiles), the only option is to delete the overridden forms from the mod if you dont want ballistic drop (gravity) or tracers rounds.
    2. radbeetle
      • premium
      • 493 kudos
      Thank you for the clarification! And thank you for the advice on how to remove it if I decide to.
    3. RequiredUsername
      • premium
      • 25 kudos
      So users of, for example, Wasteland Ballistics or Burst Impact FX would need to remove these forms?
    4. FlashyJoer
      • premium
      • 841 kudos
      Or just use load order to your advantage, as Im sure they also include overrides. Lowest in load order wins, kind of thing. At least, as I recall, that is what users from Discord have been doing and it works.
  5. eytsch
    • premium
    • 63 kudos
    I'm using your Discord version 1.7 for now and I just love it! I'm really looking forward that the flag mod leaves the hot files  
    1. FlashyJoer
      • premium
      • 841 kudos
      Right? LOL. Looks like it'll disappear around March 5th.
  6. Tidus25
    • premium
    • 8 kudos
    Looks awesome !
  7. Darqcrimson
    • premium
    • 15 kudos
    AWEsome, thanks for this.