Fallout 4

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  1. hammersmcp
    • premium
    • 111 kudos
    Excellent combination of progressively horrifying images with the background music.   By the end, it looks like Armageddon! 
    Yet, I always feel some pity (I guess) for the feral ghouls who, individually, had no part in their own creation and no control in their own destiny.  Although, if they knew that at some point in their lives they would become feral, they might have wished to their own   "quietus make With a bare bodkin" as Hamlet suggests. 
    1. Clanggedin
      • premium
      • 244 kudos
      It is said that ghouls are immune to radiation, and can even heal when exposed to a sufficient amount of it; but the truth is that ghouls aren't even remotely close to being immune to radiation, in fact, it fastens the process of degeneration.
      Due to the exposure to radiation, their brains are slowly but inexorably deteriorating, and while exposure to large amounts can indeed heal them, it also destroys their brain cells even faster, a sort of trade-off if you think of it like that way, and eventually, all ghouls will end up becoming feral.
      Also, feral ghouls are certainly not even remotely aware of their surroudings, or even themselves; as their brain as so toroughly decayed that all the higher functions, like consciousness, have just ceased to operate, in a sense, they aren't better than patients reduced to a vegetable state in an hospital bed, and from that standpoint, putting them down is the best thing to do, both for their sake, and for the one of everyone else, since they are irremediably violently hostile to any form of life around them.
  2. Bernt
    • premium
    • 383 kudos
    Started out so tranquil - and ended in a full fledged nightmare. Well done
    1. Clanggedin
      • premium
      • 244 kudos
      He he thanks
  3. Stavetskaya
    • premium
    • 723 kudos
    Great use of effects! A very impressive set, Florian!
    1. Clanggedin
      • premium
      • 244 kudos
      Thanks Mila I used the same ENB tweaks as the previous set, I just changed the climate with NAC X
  4. WakingTank
    • member
    • 12 kudos
    Truly amazing
    1. Clanggedin
      • premium
      • 244 kudos
  5. DangerousChicken12
    • supporter
    • 180 kudos
    1. Clanggedin
      • premium
      • 244 kudos
  6. thesarantis
    • premium
    • 199 kudos
    It surely looks like a Judgement day!
    Awesome captures my friend!
    1. Clanggedin
      • premium
      • 244 kudos
      Let the cleansing begins !