Fallout 4
Mod Your Terminals

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  1. 54yeggan
    • BANNED
    • 42 kudos
    Oooh. The blue wire thingies gave me an idea...

    Mod settlement idea: Internet/Local network creation used by connecting ethernet cable from a terminal to a satellite, which allows you to manage all connected settlements from each other that are connected. So for example, order settlers around, change jobs, even order supplies online to be delivered from the Minutemen, things like that
    1. niston
      • premium
      • 337 kudos
      Yes. Except the network cable will be power line over "regular" power wires, with provisions for wireless transmission.
      It's one of the reasons I work on Papyrus Terminal.
  2. 54yeggan
    • BANNED
    • 42 kudos
    Real question is...
    What happens if I load it in a Pip-Boy?
    1. niston
      • premium
      • 337 kudos
      Vault Tec Pip-Boy is not supported by RobCo Display Firmware Loader, message is displayed to inform user.
      Also, 14" CRT doesn't fit into Pip-Boy.

      But you can mod the Pip-Boy in MCM menu.