Fallout 4
Yulia Only Lives Once

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  1. Bernt
    • premium
    • 383 kudos
  2. lonewanderer345
    • premium
    • 143 kudos

    Turns out that this was very nearly the end of the road for Yulia
    The 'Black Ops cache' mission from P.A.M sent her to the Super-Mutant infested 'Medford Memorial Hospital' in Malden...
    I was able to complete the task,...but only on a third attempt to be honest,
    First, and second attempts, the Super-Mutants swarmed the entrance lobby...partly they detected Dogmeat, and partly they were super alert to suppressed gunfire while they were in 'caution'...and bludgeoned Yulia to death with Boards...

    I'm sure I will try the challenge again with all I've learned...but not right away...but, give it a try, it's a whole new perspective on the game.

    All The Best!
  3. blu377
    • supporter
    • 187 kudos
    Toasters I love the different perspectives you provide & all the info about your health, rads etc. I'm really enjoying this Brilliant shots to go with awesome writing
  4. Stavetskaya
    • premium
    • 723 kudos
    Great pictures, my friend! I love closeups and landscapes very much))) Yulia making good so far)
  5. Clanggedin
    • premium
    • 244 kudos
    Yeah it doesn't reduces fall damage, that's a completely different entry  (To be more precise: it does negate limb damage you get from falls, but it doesn't negate fall damage in general). Nice set.