Fallout 4
CRP - Overgrowth WIP 5

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  1. Shadow0fTheWind
    • supporter
    • 86 kudos
    This mod is a wip mod. There are two versions, the base mod (which is done), which works like a normal environmental mod, and Overgrowth. Overgrowth affects the cities and is still being worked on. This mod is different from other environmental mods as i have redone the previs and precombines for the entire map. No more low fps, no more broken precombines, no more crashing. You can find the mod on my Discord server via the link on my profile. Please read the mod instructions thoroughly before downloading.

    Thanks to the following modders for the assets i borrowed with this mod
  2. Sombrajune10
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Maybe i'm a noob but i can't find the link to the discord download, any help?
  3. mumas
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    how can i download thisssss