Death Stranding Assault Rifle

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This is the Death Stranding Assault Rifle .. its Modular

Im making a Dlc Size Mod of death stranding into Fallout  from scratch

Terrain , environment , Buidings , structures , vehicles , Suits , Armor , Masks , Weapons , weather , Enemies , 
Everithing from scratch .


Maybe like 3 Gigs of Content


  1. trog69
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Saw this on the Fallout FB group post. Great good luck with this endeavor. Sounds like a truly monumental task!
    1. Johnc0n0r
      • premium
      • 349 kudos
      Yeah its kinda hard jeje
  2. reaperofsouls10000
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Congratulations on making such a marvelous weapon sir!Now that's a hell of an assault rifle ;) Imagine some underbarrels atachments 4 this gun it will be mindblowing.A bipod 4 stability if u plan on making a DMR out of it or an lmg.A few grenade  launcers & a few dif shotguns perfect 4 an assault kit choice,a plasma cannon underbarrel gun wip that will be an experimental thing worth trying usable only with the saw kit,even a shield on the rifle will not hurt 2-3 variants a metal one a sec bullet prof glas made 4 more visibility and another one without a frame a translucent one !Small clips,large clips,extra large ones and some hefty stanag magazines also  drum and double drum options with ,dif ammo tipes tied to some specific receivers and barrels!Even one or two ammo boxes 4 the saw and lmg kit.Long smal calibers stick mags if u plan making an smg using the  fast spraying kit,a few sight optics usable just with the smg kit a few including sopes reccon and night vision thermal vision usable with the assault rifle and a few sniping ones 4 the DMR.You can add a side grip & a uper  grip just like the bren machinegun has usable only with lmg and saw kits and with the assault rifle only if u pick the drums or boxes it can be an extra or a choice between the under barrel already present ones or the bipod.U can make them usable with the shield also the under barel atachments usable with the shield!A shotgun with a uper grip or side grip holly Jessus moders never tried this!U can add some energy bassed conversion plasma laser even gaus why not one 4 each both auto and semi turning this beast in to the best modular and universal weapon choice in the wasteland!These are but sugestions!Love the big scope by the way makes the gun look like the real thing!
    1. Johnc0n0r
      • premium
      • 349 kudos
      Woow thats a lot jeje
      And nice idea
      Ima try that , and see how it goes

    2. reaperofsouls10000
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      yeah bruh I know take your time ideas change the world ;)
  3. LX6R
    • premium
    • 24 kudos
    Looks promising!
    1. Johnc0n0r
      • premium
      • 349 kudos

      It will take some time 

      I will need some copyright oermissions from Cover Music themes
  4. Esmerios
    • premium
    • 188 kudos
    Very excited for this
    1. Johnc0n0r
      • premium
      • 349 kudos
      Me too

      a lot of ZBrush Sculpting lol

      These BT Monsters are So wierd shape anemies
  5. RamRodder
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Is the Ludens armor going to be a set of power armor or something you equip from your pipboy? 
    1. Johnc0n0r
      • premium
      • 349 kudos
      its a Normal Armor , pip boy equipment  

      No power armor yet ... the animations are limited and so stiff 

      If i make it power armor set , i need to create a new Power frame from scratch again and its a pain in the butt  lol 

      I made 2 Custom PA Frames i hope fits one of them