Fallout 4

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On the not so related note to the "fingertips" title, I am very disappointed with Cyberpunks performance. I know, i tried to play it on a potato machine (i5 4590,16gb ram, gtx 1070, installed on an nvme m.2 ssd), but the performance was awful, constant stutters, visual options actually not changing anything somehow??... Couple of my friends had constant crashes on a lot more powerful machines, while I somehow managed to play it without crashing for 3 hours! I was getting 60fps on minimum settings, used to playing games for what they are not how they look, but those unpractical stutters felt like I was trying to play Minecraft on a celeron (believe me i did that back in a day on an old laptop, god bless)... Noticed that my CPU was constantly chugging on 100% usage so i've decided that in a week i will try to upgrade to a ryzen 5 3500x, hopefully this will help me to power through the game by share power despite developers lack of optimization... this little upgrade is gonna cost me a lot since i will have to buy a new motherboard and ram that goes well with this cpu, not to mention a new case since my old one is a mini atx or thermal compound, so RIP wallet...



  1. Dyeless
    • supporter
    • 27 kudos
    A bit ironic. Fallout is way more expensive with all dlc and now even creation club and can't be even compared to what cyberpunk is. Yes full of bugs and they will fix them, unlike bethesda ever did. When cyberpunk works it look and feel amazing and will age very well just like witcher did. In 5 years you will boot it up and still be amazed by graphics.
    They shouldn't ship it the way it is, but I get the pressure from all sides. For 60 euros you get everything plus bonus art works and soundtracks in 3 formats including flac. Tell me who else does this. Smart will wait till they fix stuff, fans will support and the rest can ask for a refund. Now image when mods will do to that game. 
    I'm a bit disappointed but I'm also happy that finally I can mess around with it. Everything I said is not personal, I couldn't care less how people spend their cash and naturally everyone has his own opinion.
    1. deleted94019838
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      • 13 kudos
      you basically summed up why i picked it up over buying another "bugthesda" product. I was hyped about playing "co-op" fallout with my friends, but everybody knows how 76's turned out. And to be fair, i dont even own FO4 because of the same performance issues, i've played more demanding games on my potato that run a lot smoother than this... The only games i actually own are FO:NV with all its dlc's and Skyrim with all dlc's too bought them literally just because i really liked the games even tho i had them finished(main story) on a pirated versions...
  2. bluemoonies
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    I do 100% agree with Mrsmile comment.
    The game isn t worth an upgrade. The customization they hyped so much is nothing to write home about with plenty of npc only outfits that you can t have, plus being 1st person only greatly reduced my enjoyement of the game.
    That said the combat is pretty clunky and generic with plenty of bullet sponges npcs, also the stealth is really terrible and lastly the AI is terrible, there s barely any tactical thinking in combat.
    Another point to make is that mods for CDprojects games are pretty limited in scope, given the fact they barely introduce tools for the community, so don t hold your breath for anything similar to beth stuff.
    Just my 2 cents of course, hope it can help)
    1. deleted94019838
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      • 13 kudos
      I am ok with all kinds of opinions, people can have them and its totally fine if somebody doesn't agree with my approach and see faults in it.
      From what i have experienced myself it seems like the difficulty is just basically ramping up NPC health and damage output. I tried to play stealth, cuz thats what i usually go by, but i couldnt get a nice grip on it since the game was stuttering for me so i cant comment on that, hopefully screen archery is going to get better with mods, dont own witcher so i cant say a lot about mod support from cdr, but i think if the game is actually popular with a lot of people then mods should transition into a better state to, if it makes sense what am rambling about
  3. ThatMrSmile
    • premium
    • 403 kudos
    Haven't tried it yet. Some say the performance is abysmal, some say it's ok (in 1080p at least). No idea how and why this happens. Region specific versions are different perhaps (it's true for New Vegas for example).

    Anyway, the game doesn't strike me as something worthy of a system upgrade. On the surface it looks like it's cyberpunk in name only. There's plenty of "high tech, low life" to it, but that's pretty much it. It doesn't seem to have the smarts of the genre. It's a competently designed game, but definitely not the "RPG of a decade" like some overly enthusiastic youtubers (acting like sexually agitated teenagers) call it.

    Also, I'm struggling to understand what was the point of getting it on release, when winter sale is just 2 weeks away.
    1. deleted94019838
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      • 13 kudos
      Not really expecting it to be in a sale since it just came out and its my first game that i bought full price just to play as early as i can since i've lost my job recently. Needed a system upgrade anyway since i do more than just play games on my pc, so ig it would've happened eventually