Fallout 4
Coffee Break

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  1. kestrelhawk
    • premium
    • 37 kudos
    Gorgeous shots! When I try to get up close and personal (using a pistol) with a deathclaw, it never ends well, lol. I do love these, Lobo is looking particularly good in these. Even the 'Claw looks good, but glad he didn't end so well. Your world is looking beautiful!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Many thanks Kes! Oh yea if Fenn gets too close to a DC he is toast. He is more of a glass canon being a long range sniper specialist. Mac, in my world with his FEV, would do better although he lacks Lobo's protections and skill in melee so I don't he could manage it on his own - he still prefers long range as well. Only Dogmeat is brave enough to create a distraction by running around its legs and tail.
  2. bison1967
    • premium
    • 214 kudos
    Outstanding shots, Jon! I especially like the Doggo and Deathclaw shots! I also enjoyed reading the background information about L.O.B.O. that you've supplied further down in the comments section.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Many thanks Bob! Aye I have a decent number of long stories about Lobo (maybe a dozen or so) with my usual in-depth lore and explanations. Always fun to do and Lobo is one of my favorites. He has some similarities to Grim in Skyrim as well, though they are different people.
  3. PatrickTheDM
    • premium
    • 175 kudos
    Sip and savor. Great shots!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Indeed, I love my coffee, use it as a bit of a reward or motivation to get to work.
  4. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 315 kudos
    Lobo going y mano y deathclaw . . . I've seen a few chars doing it, however I prefer killing them from a distance. At least the F4 deathclaws aren't as fast or nimble as the NV ones (that travel in packs in my NV game). Super looking shots, especially like the two of Lobo sitting on the floor with the doggers. (I read your comment to Lidi, the husband and I used to play the "paw game" with our shepherds and the pit. )
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Thanks Pat! Aye I remember the Deathclaws in FNV. I played a melee only character as my main in FNV, back when it first came out and before I used mods. It took a while to level high enough to be able to manage them, even then it was hard. I miss that character, one of my favorites. His favorite outfit was from the Khan and he used it to the end even though he was vastly too high level for it. Fashion over function I guess :P

      Yea I adore the paw game with the pooches!

  5. lidertz
    • supporter
    • 161 kudos
    Great set Jon!
    Your latest enb setup is really looks like scenes from a film. Awesome!
    My favourite is the one with doggo at the bare foot (the second).
    "Toe to toe", that capture is deep.^^
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Thanks Lidi! When I play with my dogs sometimes we play the paw game. I put my hand or foot over their front paw. They remove it and put it over mine. They might do that a half dozen times before they grow bored with it. Its pretty cute. That was what inspired that shot with Lobo and dogmeat.

      The main shot and the ones near the bottom were taken with Film Workshop 2 using a slightly desaturated mix of settings. The other, brighter shots, were taken with my tweaked version of PRC-X Fallen, which I shared in the pub today.
  6. etholas
    • supporter
    • 54 kudos
    Beautiful images all. I can't find one that stands out above the others, which is unusual.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Many thanks Etholas!
  7. Isleen
    • supporter
    • 126 kudos
    Puuuunch the bad Claw! xD
    Great set. Love the vibrant color of the grass shots a lot. Your game looks fantastic.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Thanks Isleen! Game world looks pretty good overall. Not a whole lot of variety with my barren look. There are different types of dried grass but they blend together a bit. Still happy with it right now.
  8. gmg2dave
    • supporter
    • 180 kudos
    Gotta say Wolf, you're far braver than I am. Actually getting close enough to punch a death claw? Nope, nope, nope! Deathclaws are supposed to be killed from very far away, preferably through the scope of a high powered AMR before they even know you are there.

    Great shots though, loved the one where he is kicking it in the snout!. I guess if you're gonna get that close, might as well go for broke (and hope it doesn't eat your leg)!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Thanks ;-) Lobo is a rather brutal character - also brutal to play as I play on survival mode and he is melee only. He has mental scars from his past that causes him to shake and sweat when trying to use guns - so he can't aim or focus worth crap with them.

      He has a lot of history - the spoiler tag has his basic summary (from a story I posted if curious). The TL;DR is that he is a rogue elite courser who has mutated (with some help) into a human cyborg. He has a WOLF AI computer chip in his head, his skeleton and skull are infused with Adamantium - not as strong as say Wolverines pure one but stronger then steel and more organic (i.e. the perk that removes limb damage), can absorb oxygen through special pores in his skin (i.e. the Aqua boy perk); regenerates health in sunlight (i.e., from the endurance perk for sunlight + the health perk), etc., e.g. for each perk in the game I have a correlated reason.

      Anyhow he is a master at melee and unarmed combat. So while the Deathclaw could tear into his leg and body ripping the leg off would not be that simple. Lobo prefers, however, to not give it the opportunity though! He moves very fast (i.e. how I rationalize VATS in the game - which is the computer AI in his head speeding up his reflexes and processing ability to such an extent time seems to slow down ... although doing drains energy so not limitless).

      It has made for a very challenging but fun game playing that way. Enemies with missiles or laser turrets or the like are a PITA. Still there are many perks he can take that really help with melee (Blitz is the best) and he can use throwing knifes and a crossbow in emergencies, he just has poor aim.

      I'll put the rest of his background, from a story, in spoilers if interested or bored :) as this got long enough.

      L.O.B.O, Localized Operations Battle Operatives, are Institute Coursers tasked with patrolling and eliminating any threats to the Institute within a specific localized area of the Commonwealth. W0-1F was one such courser, an experimental one made from stolen pre-war elite soldier DNA created by Vault-Tec and Enclave scientists.

      He escaped the Institute and almost died in the process. His mind wiped, his body seconds from death, he was resurrected by the mysterious entity known only as Fenrir. His synth component and Courser chip was removed and replaced with the Weaponized Organic Life Form (W.O.L.F.) AI chip that was fully integrated into his neural network. The entity then initiated a mutation of the his synth cells that would, given a few years, potentially replace the synth cells with human ones. These changes would also make it difficult for the Institute to track him down. With some help from a team of mercenaries he was then able to escape to a place of safety; Vault 111.

      The WOLF AI repaired as much of the man’s mind as it could but there were massive gaps of his life as a Courser at the Institute. In return for Fenrir’s help Lobo, as he started to refer to himself, agreed to be his agent. First, however, he needed to retrain and gain control over the berserker rage he had recently developed.

      The AI put him on a punishing combat and survival training regimen which, due to a lack of simulation facilities, was carried out with real field training in the Commonwealth. Lobo started with raiders and aggressive wildlife before working his way up through Ferals, Gunners, and Super Mutants.

      His mind filled with empty spaces and his emotions wild and capricious, Lobo drove himself with almost insane intensity on his physical combat skills, finding a bit of peace in pure physical action and the resulting exhaustion. The WOLF AI quickly learned that Lobo was no good with any form of gun or any ranged combat outside of a simple crossbow. There was some mental block, perhaps created by the mind-wipe and Lobo’s own fears of his past, that caused him to develop physical tremors and nervous muscle movements when trying to use a gun, making his ability to aim and focus almost non-existent. So the AI focused solely on melee combat, both armed and unarmed, turning the man into a walking tank.

  9. deleted59151206
    • account closed
    • 101 kudos
    Beaut pics
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Oh, thank you! Appreciate it
  10. cormell
    • premium
    • 337 kudos
    I liked the Deathclaw hunting pix. It reminded me of the old Field and Stream magazine covers. I just checked they're still around going back to 1895.

    This one from 1943.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      I remember those - everyone in my family were hunters including mom. I was the only one who wasn't (they took me once, I threw stones to scare the animals away ... yea I think I was adopted but my parents swear that isn't the case lol). Anyhow we had some in the house. Thanks!