Fallout 4
CRP - Lexington Reclaimed

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  1. nemtek
    • premium
    • 29 kudos
    I absolutely CANNOT wait to play with this mod. I love green overhauls but the fact that this DOESNT break pre-combines is music to my ears! One more thing where did you get that armor from in your screen shots and that backpack? It looks very bad ass and I would love to Haz it!
  2. BloodyWarden
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    This looks absolutely goddamn gorgeous. I already know you've got it available via your linked discord but this really hits the 'performance impact' button in my head. Does this include generated precombines, or is that more a 'for the future' consideration?
    1. Shadow0fTheWind
      • supporter
      • 86 kudos
      The entire mod has optimized textures, meshes, and LOD. I also regenerated the entire commonwealth's Precombined and Previs Data. This will run better than vanilla game. I 100 percent would not flex on that if I wasnt confident about it
    2. BloodyWarden
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      Ohoho! Well I'm absolutely going to have to poke my head in sometime to give this a proper try, then. I look forward to seeing the full scope of this. I only wish I'd noticed the reply earlier.