Fallout 4
Beretta 84 WIP

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  1. futoshisan
    • member
    • 243 kudos
    Beretta Cheetah! This choice tells us how high sense you are.
    The Beretta92 mod was released earlier, but if this mod were released, Fallout4 would be the first game to get Beretta92 and Beretta84 at the same time.
    Many video games only have Beretta92. Because it is the most famous and popular Beretta handgun. Video game creators tend to avoid using similar guns, perhaps because they care about the resources involved in making them. In other words, in many cases Beretta's other handguns didn't come into play as long as the Beretta92 appeared.
    In other words, getting the Beretta84 and enjoying the difference from the Beretta92 in the game is a very luxurious way to enjoy. It's really irresistible pleasure for a gun mania like me!
    When this mod is completed, it will be a great experience for gun mania like me.
    I want to see this gun in my armory as soon as possible.
    You are a great Virtual Gunsmith.
    1. DiodeLadder
      • supporter
      • 47 kudos
      Ah, Futoshi-san, thank you so much for your comment! I'm so glad you like the 84 as well! I am not as knowledgeable about making gun mods, but I'm trying. :-)

      Yeah, I don't think Beretta modello 84 was used much (or at all) in video games. I just think this model in particular is so well designed and distinct, and I really love the look. It feels like a pistol from a company with 500 years of history - a modern and refined design, yet have the identity worthy of being a classic. ...I just love all things Italian, lol.

      This mod actually has an Italian gunsmith/store, which is located in the basement of a wine bar :


      Nicolo/Alessio Carvelli make new guns from pre-war blueprints, and Gina Carvelli, their mother's wine business is financing the whole gun production facility. I just thought the idea of Italians making weapons in an underground facility in the post apocalyptic Boston seemed like a nice concept.

      It maybe that we both have similar tastes in guns, because at one point I've looked into making the AR-18 myself, only to find out it was already done by you, lol. I tend to prefer the older style guns, and I am not a big fan of recent polymer stuff with tons of tactical junk on them. The older guns tend to have very easily identifiable looks, but the modern guns rarely have such strong identities (for my taste).

      I've been working on my North End project since April last year, and these guns are actually only small parts of the whole project. I still have many months of work ahead, unfortunately. I'm trying to make only 2 worldspace cells meaningful and fun, but even that much takes a lot of work.

      Anyway, thanks again for stopping by! :-)

    2. futoshisan
      • member
      • 243 kudos
      I think that all guns after the 2000s are similar.
      It feels unsatisfactory that guns of completely different companies are similar without features. Maybe guns will be similar in shape due to convergent evolution.
      Or just because I'm a fan of 80s-90s movies and favoring classic guns. LOL

      Getting a gun from Gunsmith is a great idea! It seems immersive and very interesting.
      Looking forward to the completion of the North End project! hooray!
    3. DiodeLadder
      • supporter
      • 47 kudos
      Convergent evolution, LOOOL That's great, haha.

      Yeah, it's the 80-90s movies for me as well! Every movie hero back then always had a gun that was identified with the character...

      The reason why I thought of gun shop is that, in Fallout 4, nobody in game really ever talks about guns, and none of the weapons have any background to them. Guns just show up without any reasons, and I don't think this is good. I mean, things like the Gauss rifle, for example, Tom at the Railroad HQ should be explaining the charging rate of the capacitors and how much voltage it would be able to pump to set the EM accelerator in motion, and why you shouldn't dip it in water, etc.. I always loved learning nerdy details about weapons/technologies, and FO4 tries to avoid those subjects entirely.

      I want the guy in my shop to be able to talk about guns, so that the shopping experience would be memorable. I think it would be nice to have him tell the player a little history of the weapon, and why he thinks it's great, etc.. A weapon shop should be more enthusiastic about selling their products. :-)