Russian Assault Pack WIP 5 - SVD 'Dragunov'

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  1. nickheggo
    • premium
    • 673 kudos
    Well Hi @NovaFinch,
    I cant send you a pm for some reason, maybe your storage is full. So i am contacting you here
    First of all thank you very much for your FO4 Mods!
    I've used your weapon mods in my FO4 installation for a long time, but recently I've started geting into FNV again and started modding myself.
    But i really miss your weapons in FNV, so i wanted to ask you very humbly if you would allow me to port them over to FNV.
    Lots of FX0X01's Weapons have been ported to FNV, but i've never seen anyone porting your awesome work!
    If you give me permission i would have course credit you!
    Thank you very much for your time!  
  2. deleted31641940
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    This is going to be a blast iron sighted along side the fal!
  3. PavloSudoplatov
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    O glorious Master, how long my comrades and I have been waiting for Soviet weapons: Stechkin and Dragunov in particular priority, and you might also consider adding the PKM Machine Gun.Thank you for existing, I am filled with determination looking at yours, I am not afraid of this word: "Works of Art".
    1. deleted31641940
      • account closed
      • 0 kudos
      FX0x01 posted a pic of the PKM a while ago, dunno if the project was scrapped or put on hold though
  4. TheD34thcl4w
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    this pack is looking awesome, what would be a good add would be either the RPK OR RPD either would do I myself love the RPD from Atom RPG good game cool weapon design and would fit well in the fallout lore. always saw the RPD as a good extension for the Chinese Assault Rifle though being that by itself its just an automatic AK47 lookalike. anyway hope to see this mod soon and hopefully on console since I play both PC and XB1.
    1. NovaFinch
      • premium
      • 1,871 kudos
      Something I really didn't want to do from the start is an 'AK' since there are already heaps of good choices for that and if I did an RPK I wouldn't be able to resist making it a modular AKS74U to AK to RPK.

      Besides the mod is very nearly done and far too late to add any new weapons.
  5. PowerForceZ
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Do you have any idea when you might be done with it? Because this mod is looking great I can't wait to add this to my arsenal.
  6. adamski47
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    this will obviously have a permanent place in my arsenal, thanks for everything, great guns and animations, love all of your work!
  7. Draconianhunter
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    dude I've been waiting since the day the modding tools were released for someone to make a decent svd. this looks awesome and I can't wait for this to be released
  8. DaBoMbRmAn
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    You're killing me here! I'm trying to cut back on the mods I'm using and here you are waving this in my face. Great job, looking forward to giving it a home in my load order.
  9. AgentDamageA4
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Well done! Quality work.
    BTW sorry for nitpicking, but the reload animation looks awfully a lot like the one in Insurgency Sandstorm. Not throwing shade or anything.
    Alright, carry on.
    1. SkrachUglogwee
      • premium
      • 329 kudos
      Can you make intervention
    2. AgentDamageA4
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      I don't know how to make mods. Sorry pal.
    3. SkrachUglogwee
      • premium
      • 329 kudos
      да )))
    4. AgentDamageA4
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Нет. Убирайся.
  10. nigthreaven
    • premium
    • 8 kudos
    everything I want for Christmas is to kill bad guy's whit this rifle