Fallout 4

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  1. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 315 kudos
    I think the Mr. Handys are cute in F4 (well, except when they're trying to kill me ). Great shot of this Handy, Sonja.
    1. Sonja
      • member
      • 181 kudos
      I entirely agree; they're very cute; I suspect it has to do with the large eyes and rounded shapes. In my previous install, I made the mistake of modifying Codsworth... he could no longer wear a bowler hat, and the various improvements.. though they made him better in combat, completely changed his appearance. It simply wasn't the same; this time, I'm going to leave him alone, and I figure the T5 ballistic trilby I just gave him, should help.
      And thanks!
  2. SomewhatWindy
    • premium
    • 148 kudos
    That is a cool pic of him,.. he's also a very entertaining follower to have I think. Love some of the lines he has :)
    1. Sonja
      • member
      • 181 kudos
      Thank you!
      Agreed, he's one of my favourite companions, and he often makes me chuckle. I find it ironic, actually, that two of the best, and most human, NPCs Beth has ever created, out of all of their games (the other being Nick), are, in fact, machines.