Fallout 4
a ___

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  1. cormell
    • premium
    • 337 kudos
    It's in my load order and will remain there. I've used the top in several other outfits (personal use, of course). I suppose we could say it's a classic by now.
  2. JoeBlow90
    • member
    • 43 kudos
    I've been using it since you released it
  3. fristo
    • supporter
    • 213 kudos
    To think it took me almost 4 years to realize what's on that buckle
    1. jmenaru
      • supporter
      • 1,578 kudos
      Well technically only 2 since I released it for FO4 in 2017, 2 years after it was made initially (if that makes it any better for you ) but regardless that's probably because of the poor texture on that buckle, rather than your attention span haha