Fallout 4
Furiosa goes to Nuka World

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  1. FiddlerGreen
    • premium
    • 170 kudos
    Oh man, this looks so freaking good! :D Very good job.
    What ENB are you using?
    1. phrozac
      • premium
      • 27 kudos
      Thanks! I'm using my customized PRC preset with NAC. I turn off almost every non-crappy weather to get mostly bleak looking days.
    2. FiddlerGreen
      • premium
      • 170 kudos
      It's right up my alley. I've done something similar, but with Decent ENB (had a crappy PC). But now I'm looking for something more serious. Is there a way I could get my hands on on some info about your PRC setup, I've got my own weather system that's pretty much no sunlight, only gloom and doom. :)
    3. phrozac
      • premium
      • 27 kudos
      I can just zip it up and send it to you :) Just know that I constantly tweak the settings for nearly every lighting condition as it happens, so you may not get the same result as me.