Fallout 4
They live

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  1. User_15954014
    • account closed
    • 16 kudos
    Conquest is my jam. I was using that Fallout 76 "build anywhere" mod and good lord it means ANYWHERE. It's perfect for those who wanna clean up garbage around the commonwealth lol.

    Also love Carpenter movies. He's got a real keen talent for displaying human thought, personality, and psychology well on screen.
    1. denzel4444
      • premium
      • 52 kudos
      You Know what building anywhere is cool I think I'm going to make a third outpost near: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/16109

      Might lag like a mother but having a triangle of outposts across the commonwealth equidistant will be cool.

      And Carpenter is the man, not afraid to show the dark side of the mind on film haha.
    • member
    • 180 kudos
    Only one of my favorite movies, that is John Carpenters THEY LIVE, very nice shot's too.
    The film was set in an alternate reality 1980's or early 90's were poverty was rampant and the rich were simply ultra rich a little like today.
    One day a drifter see's a church being raided by cop's so after they have left he break's into the now boarded up chapel and find's a hidden room with a box of sun glasses, putting them on the world is suddenly revealed to him, the human race has been enslaved by a race of alien over lords and he can see that all the media is really laced with subliminal messages intended to control the population, this is how he end's up joining the resistance movement.
    The special effects are a bit dated but still cool.
    1. denzel4444
      • premium
      • 52 kudos
      Yeah Art imitates Life, that film is pretty accurate. The only difference is, its not aliens running things its banks etc... and its not glasses helping us see its but

      But you know a lot of thought goes into advertising. R&D departments know the psychological triggers of colour, suggestive text and symbols that sway our decision making to make a few bucks haha.

      So yeah like Immortal Technique said "The forth branch of the Government want us to---"
