Fallout 3 10mm pistol redesign - textured

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Pretty much finished textures here, plus suppressor attachment. Gonna finish a couple more attachments before I get it all implemented.


  1. RevanFanMan
    • premium
    • 21 kudos
    Will this be a replacer for the vanilla 10mm?
    1. Mythos214
      • member
      • 84 kudos
      I'm wondering the same thing. I hope it is.
    2. Millenia
      • premium
      • 5,969 kudos
      Dunno, it has quite a few mods, probably more than I can be arsed to redo right now.
    3. zman1998
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Well, it doesn't have to be a direct replacer, just swap the .nif & your good to go.
    4. starfis
      • premium
      • 90 kudos
      Zman1988, I guess you've never seen how the FO4 weapon meshes look and the modding system work. :D
    5. ImNotDexDex
      • premium
      • 55 kudos
      Why is replacing a good thing? I like having options and choices. Being able to pick the 10mm from Fallout 1 (tunnel snakes rule CC), or the 10mm from Fallout 4, or the 10mm from Fallout 3 (this one), sounds like a better idea. I mean, i like eating cake but i wouldnt want to replace all my food with cake.
    6. TheMalevolentTrout
      • premium
      • 76 kudos
      if I could I would replace all my food with Pizza
    7. RevanFanMan
      • premium
      • 21 kudos
      Mine would be pancakes.
    8. Mythos214
      • member
      • 84 kudos
      I just don't like the way the vanilla 10mm looks in this game, I feel like I'm running around with a big grey brick on a handle whenever I'm using it, it's awful, and the same is true of the plasma weapons this time around. They're too big and they look very plain when compared to the plasma weapons from the previous games. I think I know why they did that too, and it was because the power armor is so big that it makes all the guns look small. I would have rather had weapons of a reasonable looking size though, than the clubs we have now.
    9. RevanFanMan
      • premium
      • 21 kudos
      Pretty much the way I see it as well.
    10. ImNotDexDex
      • premium
      • 55 kudos
      @Mythos214 Hasn't the 10mm pistol always been a big grey brick, in every Fallout game? I mean, here:

  2. Cyberworm360
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Call this the N98 10MM pistol and add it as a retro alternate find in the commonwealth levelled lists.
  3. 3nikhey
    • member
    • 546 kudos
  4. Kuitmo
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Looks epic. Hopefully you have enough free time to release a mod!
  5. steabstract
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Porn on the Nexus. Again
  6. kkl929
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    oh sweet daddy put that beast inside me
  7. RepellentFrog
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    i have to agree
  8. Mythos214
    • member
    • 84 kudos
    Nice! Will this be a mesh replacer or its own mod?
  9. ImNotDexDex
    • premium
    • 55 kudos
    This looks really good, i hope we get to see this and the SPAS-12 in game one day.
  10. dpillari
    • premium
    • 2,570 kudos
    i like all the curved surfaces.