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This user's image description contains 12 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. Nhjx
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    So did the halo 2 odst anniversary armor not get added to the xbox version? I can’t seem to find it anywhere? 
  2. anthony227458
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    man can't wait for this to be release..any idea when this would be release???
  3. Blhamon1445
    • member
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    I sent him a message a while ago and he said he planned on porting it to Xbox one. I am not familiar with mods, I'm assuming that WIP means Work In Progress so since it's at 3 does that mean it's close to being done? I've stopped playing the game on my xbox just so I can use the armor as long as possible
  4. Snakecatcher117
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Any update to the port for Xbox
  5. Brownie042
    • member
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    I saw how on the ODST W.I.P 2 you said that a console release was unlikely, but not of the question and was curious if there is still any chance of it happening? Also did the Sierra 117 mod get taken down on console because I play on Xbox One and had the mod for a while until recently and when I got on one day I noticed it wasn't in my load order anymore as well as my favorites. Other than that though have to say you guys have done a pretty amazing job at creating these mods especially with all the time, effort, and detail that's been put into them. ^^
    1. darkman32197
      • member
      • 393 kudos
      It will happen, just not with HUD overlay, also yeah Sierra 117 got taken down again.
      • member
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      There is a pin pad version that I use.jist look up Sierra 117 PIP-pad I think
    3. FangTruckey2012
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Actually, the Sierra 117 mod is still on the Beth.net; it’s just under a different name now. “Modified Armor” by CoolSniperGuy.
  6. Hybrid78
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Apparently youre working on the OG version of the odst armor, or rather youre waiting on it to be finished up. is there an ETA on this or have you already gave one and i need to open my fucking eyes
    1. Hybrid78
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Update: ok so no eta, so instead about how far along are you in making the OG version. like are you still working on the 3d model or are you working on game implementation, or is it just bug fixes now
    2. darkman32197
      • member
      • 393 kudos
      H3 version is done and implemented in game, we're just waiting on other stuff to finish up before we do WIP 4 which should be last one.
    3. Hybrid78
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      real s***!? no way fam. bb you got me so gotdam excited
  7. User_3478327
    • account closed
    • 1 kudos
    I am so hyped for this it looks amazing thanks for all the hard work i've been keep a slot in my load order open just for this mod. By the way how many ESP Files do think this will have so I know how much space to leave open Thank you :)
  8. deleted8847394
    • account closed
    • 1 kudos
    > Halo 3 version is coming

    And now so am I. Thank you. Seriously, this is great! ODST was one of my favorite Halo games and seeing a part of it in Fallout is satisfying in a way that I can't really describe. This is going to be fantastic!
  9. Auhellfish
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    WOW just wow this mod looks amazing n the detail is crazy
  10. Indipotter
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    i am so hyped for this mod since im a major halo fan
    cant wait for it to be done nice work guys
    *Endorses mod*
    1. DonMartin8
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