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This user's image description contains 9 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. Sticky
    will this be coming to xbox one since there's no ported assets?
    1. NovaFinch
      • premium
      • 1,900 kudos
      Read the description before commenting.
    2. DXMBHAWK273
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      i hope it does my brother with love it
  2. glencoe2004
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I don't suppose this will be released this year?
  3. daskaiser2
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    How did you make these models?
  4. Mitsurugi2424
    • supporter
    • 14 kudos
    I was really excited about this until I clicked on it and saw how dissimilar it is to actual ODST armor. Dont get me wrong, you guys have are very talented. I was just hoping to get something closer to what we saw in the HALO3 ODST game.
    1. darkman32197
      • member
      • 393 kudos
      Check out ODST WIP 4 for H3 version :)
  5. AtomicHobo
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    I'm looking forward to this SO MUCH! You are all doing such a fantastic job! Keep up the good work, and thanks for making this, as well as your other mods.

    p.s. If you need anyone to help test it out, I'd be more than happy to help.
  6. SpartanBreezy
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    sooooo its not going on xbox? great just wasted a month waiting for this to come out.... people can add a pistol but not armor... pfft… fuckin weak... if I could I would make the armor and keep uploading it no matter what... and btw dont be fuckin rude to people who comment a simple question like is it coming out on xbox one … ``Read the description before commenting`` that's just fuckin rude you could have just said maybe but unlikely but you had to make them look fucking dumb for not reading something yeah because its there fault they didn`t know...
    1. darkman32197
      • member
      • 393 kudos
      It's coming to xbox it's just not done yet...
    2. NovaFinch
      • premium
      • 1,900 kudos
      People should ALWAYS read the description before asking a question that was already answered by the description.

      "Due to issues in the past with Halo related content (despite using original assets) a console release is unlikely but not out of the question" Maybe if someone doesn't want to look dumb they shouldn't be dumb.

      Every damn mod and WIP image gets bombarded by stupid 'will it come to xbox' questions, maybe if you lot shut up and let us do this at our pace it will or you could continue pestering us and we won't port it out of spite.

      If the only reason you made a Nexus account was to pester mod authors about console ports then you should just delete your account right now, you aren't wanted.
  7. GameDev1995
    • premium
    • 102 kudos
    Incredible work!
  8. LegendofStone
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey, just a question. What gun is the Sole Survivor holding? Is it a mod or will it come with this mod? I'm really excited for this, I'm a huge fan of the Halo Series.
    1. darkman32197
      • member
      • 393 kudos
      It's from misriah armory, you can get old version here https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/images/99398
    2. LegendofStone
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks! I'm excited for this, keep up the good work!
  9. iCosm1c
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    i cannot express how much i appreciate you doing this. best of luck :)
  10. chinevion
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I love how this is turning out. Its especially awsome that you are also adding faction paints (if I understand correctly) usually, the way these mods break the games aesthics prevent me from using them. But the fact that they will have faction paints makes using it more appealing :). If I may ask are the customizations just paint or will there be physical modifications?
    1. darkman32197
      • member
      • 393 kudos
      Just paint since physical modifications cost alot to model.
    2. chinevion
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Still amazing, and I cant wait to see it in game
  11. Kordigoth
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Any update so far as to when this mod will possibly be released? just wondering because i love the ODST and im super excited
    1. darkman32197
      • member
      • 393 kudos
      WIP 3 should come later this month, NovaFinch has been working on a few cool features and I Dare say it'll be worth the wait.
    2. Kordigoth
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks for the update man you guys keep doing awesome work! now if only we could get someone to make a fast traveling mod where you drop from the air in a pod thatd be pretty sick!
    3. Abaraxis
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Now when you capitalize the word "Dare" Does that mean something like a recon helmet? Or am I over analyzing?
    4. darkman32197
      • member
      • 393 kudos
      I Dare say, maybe you're over analayzing