Fallout 4


I am The6thMessenger, T6M, and these are my thoughts in this project.

I like novel ideas, of doing something that hasn't been done before. We already saw the typical Under-Barrel grenade-launcher in nexus, typically on the modern-tactical weapons done to no end, which is basically just a fire-mode switch that overrides the primary fire. It's fair, it's practical, but I wanted to try something different. As you know, I'm not that much of a fan of the typical modern-tactical -- rather pretentious to my taste, their patrons even more so, with unreasonable expectations, demanding authors to cater to their need for immersion and realism. This attempt however harkens back to the Arena-Shooters of old, where the grenade shot is the alt-fire.

I chose the OICW with it's overbarrel grenade launcher, for the point of simplicity and practicality, that it's the least intrusive when it comes to pitching a custom ammunition, that it is basically just the fire-anim with a different bolt that moves, and the hand-placement doesn't change at all. The idea of this launcher uses the grenade-slot by converting ammunition into throwable version of the grenade, and replenishes it when used.

The scripting this time is tricky, but the components have been done before. The problem with the AnimEvent is that, the "WeaponFire" does not discriminate between grenade-toss and basic primary fire, try it on the Salvaged Assaultron Head! It will irradiate you on grenade-toss. But I went around it by checking the amount of equipped grenade, and running actions when it detects a change in your inventory. And because my script is reliant on inventory change, this means that I cannot use the "Non-Playable" flag to hide the weapon, because it makes it unlimited.

Originally, there was no approximation to the function of a magazine, as it directly takes from the pool of ammunition, requiring constant monitoring. It was problematic, because it was unlimited ammo, this trick of using finite weapon count with a reloading grenade, allowed me to approximate a magazine function, and not use a new widget because it uses the built-in grenade UI.

One problem I faced is that the grenade origin is fixed, and thus the projectile must be offset to the right by 26 units. It's not really an issue unless you're trying to hit your target directly. Because of this, I added a "stable mode" option, which makes it function like basic grenade-launcher that overrides primary fire.

I wrote the lore with my own idea, based on the criticism of the OICW. It failed because it was too complex and unwieldy, to which I thought of the Neopup PAW-20, so why not just simplify the grenade-launcher by using autocannon shells? Yeah you lose out on the air-burst, but your weapon is lighter by not having that big scope, and your ammo is more logistically easier to source. I am well aware the the XM29 OICW forked into the XM8, and is more related to the G36, but I preferred the FN SCAR family to be different, somewhat.

Much like the OICW, I opted to have the grenade-module unequippable so it can function as your typical assault rifle. I combined the chambering and magazine, to avoid the problem of the capacity bloat due to additive nature of the attachment system. The .44-Magnum is inspired by the rechamber of the AR-15, to .458 SOCOM, or the .50 Beowulf, but I chose .44-Mag for availability, which is turned to 12.7mm to WOS and Munition patches. It was only supposed to be for 5.56mm, but I wanted 5mm as well, so that it has uses beyond the minigun, and there's other weapons besides the surplus rifle that uses it.

The HMAR auto-sound is broken, this is because the 900 RPM of the sound is missing, learned that the hard-way. I fixed it here.

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