Fallout 4

The creation of this weapon started in the concept and context of the Burst-Fire Framework.

See, the Laser-Musket styled charging-reload does not affect explosive damage, so it must be manually adjusted by way of perk -- but that only works effectively on hit-scan as the delay of the projectiles means that the explosion that follows no longer has the boosted damage once it lands. To solve that Issue, I approached it by way of Burst-Fire instead, approaching the explosion by number of projectile. It takes advantage of the script's issue of over-firing despite not having ammunition, and is balanced by the amount of ammunition loaded thus it will never be a problem, and now it works, it's not perfect, but it works. 

At first, it wasn't the Laser-Musket that was the intended target of the system I devised, nor the Industrial Electromagnetic Driver, but of the Broadsider, the Harpoon Gun, on the idea of stacking projectiles. But it was ultimately slow and clunky, so I returned to the Laser-Musket instead. The idea to make this into the Unreal Rocket-Launcher instead came when i was watching Civvie-11's feature of the original Unreal 1 video-game, to which now I had an idea to pitch. #FreeCivvie

But I don't have the chops to make the mesh, just like last time on the Industrial Electromagnetic Driver, I instead opted to ask for help, and that is where Spadey01 pitched in to help, and the dude has been a massive MASSIVE help, and in fact did a lot more work than I did, just as Micalov did on the other project.

See, I know how to assemble a weapon already, the nook and crannies, the perk-injection for a multiplicative damage system, injection of legendaries, the LL via script. I have a long time to fumble, and now I can do it rather quickly. But figuring out how the weapon should look, while I have a creative direction, it's mostly Spadey's work. 

The choice between the Missile and the Rocket, is the difference between damage and AOE. The Rocket, at full 6 blast will out-damage the Missile on a complete volley that connects, but the Missile has way larger AOE that makes it better at tackling a massive area and crowd. Ideally, the difference is between the ammo and the capacity, with the Rockets-but-Inaccurate, and the Missile-but-Accurate essentially offsets the two into overlapping role of area saturation anyways.

The Automatic Receiver was difficult to make. Problem was that the capacity originally was bloated, with the Missile variant having too much, while the Rocket while still more, isn't much of a leap. So I made it that there's 10 shots between the two. The rocket also has a "Long-Burst" feature, that it fires for extremely long duration, two per each ammo in fact as a bonus feature. It's utterly broken, but it's a different take than the burst-fire.

The Burst-Fire only works outside of VATs, and thus I chose to make the VATs cost incredibly high at 2 shot loaded, simulating a lock in using VATs. But single shot VATs is still possible, provided you only fire once. It also has the AP cost on reloads removed, for the purpose of allowing VATs builds. With Seeking, VATs hit-chance is tripled, to reflect the homing ability of the projectiles.

I opted for a burst-fire with decreasing missile interval, instead of a near instantaneous burst (though there's an option for that), for the purpose of accuracy and control. That players will have the freedom to spread their missile around, or to focus at an area. There is however a patch for near instantaneous burst, but as with the limitation of the Burst-Fire Framework, it's only as instantaneous as your frame-rate is high.

The idea for the Redeemer is actually Spadeys, on a why-not moment. Basically just a Fatman, but with larger AOE and less damage, and has even the ammo selection mods. I chose to change up how the MIRV is done, by way of being basically just a shotgun nuke, to avoid the buggy nature of it, implemented on my Weapons-Overhaul Redux. And because of that, I also opted to a "flak" economical ammo alternative.

Extra barrels such as the Tri rocket barrels and the mag barrels, are a result of some initial testing, with one of our playtesters wanting a low-level introductory version. But it's not like the Laser Musket exactly, and the capacity is handled by barrel, so thusly it is handled by the barrel. The magazine version is Spadey's idea, and a compromise to just make it semi-auto to avoid redundancy. Yes, it's still "Eightball", to make it distinct. As awesome as "Trident Rocket Launcher" sounds, it might immediately confuse people that it's the missile variant.

The Damage Bloat is hard to move around -- it is an engine issue that if there's more than 1 explosive damage bonus perk that is affecting you, such as when the Missile Launcher is both a Heavy Gun that benefits from Heavy Gunner, and Demolition Expert, then somehow your damage is actually higher. While the Damage Card does show the proper damage, there is this unknown damage source that doubles the damage, with each additional effect regardless of the amount. As a result, I have to remove the Heavy-Gun keyword, and thus the weapon ISN'T a heavy weapon

I know it's overpowered and broken as per the pitch, but that is largely a side-effect and a fluff, because I in fact approached it rather conservatively. And I didn't want to bother setting up a perk system, eliminating the existing system, so that only one damage-bonus source affect at a single time.

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