Fallout 4

You can have any LOST Tweaks modular plugins alongside ... although I DO NOT RECOMMEND either the "LOST - AWKCR VIS-G
Apparel Bipods" (module 3)  nor the all in one "LOST - AWKCR VIS-G Tweaks" since they degrades AE mechanisms.

"Aogaras - AE Tweaks" PLUGIN DETAILS :

Very basically : LOST AWKCR VIS-G tweaks are either similar as in Armorsmith Extended (AE)  or made to compensate the mechanisms provided
by AE to buff clothes and armors. So I skipped all those tweaks except for those witch still made sense.

Doing that I :

  • left untouched the weight of consumables (weighted or weightless depending on the options you've choosen when installed AWKCR & VIS-G).
  • maintain balance, using AE mechanisms only. It would have been overkill to add AE mechanism over the tweaks made by Mortercotic.

on dog armors
- energy resistance buff made in LOST AWKCR VIS-G Tweaks
- added lining and gear addons from AE ... which extends AWKCR ones

on hazmat suits
- energy resistance buff made in LOST AWKCR VIS-G Tweaks
- you can wear armor with the hazmat, like made in AE. I just made it impossible to add torso armor for more realism (all those gears an tubings on the torso would make it impossible to add torso armor).

on mining helmets
- UFO4P enhanced dynamic namings (INNR)

on wedding rings
- same as LOST AWKCR VIS-G Tweaks : just renamed them to distinguish yours and your spouse ring

on pip-boys
- same as LOST AWKCR VIS-G Tweaks : added the vault name so you can distinguish the different pip-boys

- hides a bunch of crafting perks introduced by AE, so they aren't displayed in your pipboy anymore
- fix the sound of laser rifle

CHANGES (compared to "LOSTS" ones) :

on clothing & armors :
- replace AWKCR lining mechanism by the AE one (which extends AWKCR)
- adds AE various gear addons (gears, headgears, gloves & eyewear)
- when available, adds AE appearance addons

on See through scopes :
The 2.5.1 version fixes a bug within the scripts.
The plugin provided alter only the labels of the weapons addons and the holotape to add VIS-G tags, so it's still compatible with both 2.5.0 and 2.5.1 version. We (Mortercotic and I) just were too lasy to update the notes ;)

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