Fallout 4

Okiir put together a great little guide on how to use Campsite with FO4 Hotkeys.  It will take a little bit of setup, and the IDs will change if you move Campsite in your load order, but this should get you going.

What you need before you start:
- The FO4 Hotkeys mod.
- This mod of course.
- Create the Campsite items you want to hotkey (in game).
- Find the Load Order for your Campsite.esp file (mine is 30).
- Find the Hotkeys.ini file in your Fallout 4 Data folder.

1. Finding the objectIDs:
The way I did this was simply going in-game, opening the console and typing "player.inv".
This gives you a list of all items in your inventory, and their objectID. Simply scroll 
through the list and find the objectID for the Campsite items you want to Hotkey.

The objects I wanted to hotkey was:
Camping Kit - Pole Tent (Camo) (30000873)
Camping Kit - Cloth Wall (Camo) (30000885)
Camping Kit - Fire Kit (3000088D)
Camping Kit - Dog Bed (Red) (300008AC)
Camping Kit - GPS Beacon (300008C9)
Camping Kit - Sleeping Bag (Green) (30000854)

2. Creating the Console Commands:
The console command for dropping the Camo Tent will be "player.drop xx000873 1"
(Replace xx in the objectID with the load order of your Campsite mod (can be found in the Nexus Mod Manager).
For me the command for dropping the Camo Tent is "player.drop 30000873 1"

3. Set up the hotkeys (Requires the FO4 Hotkeys mod):
Find the Hotkeys.ini file in your Data folder, and add the hotkeys you want.
For example, if you want to place the Fire Kit with "F4", add this line:

F4=player.drop xx00088D 1 (replace xx with load order)

I added the following to my Hotkeys.ini (you might want something different):

Home=player.drop 30000873 1
Delete=player.drop 30000885 1
Insert=player.drop 3000088D 1
PgUp=player.drop 300008AC 1
End=player.drop 300008C9 1
PgDn=player.drop 30000854 1

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  1. teresatiger
    • premium
    • 129 kudos
    This is so useful; thank you!