Fallout 4

Beginning with version 3.0, WRAR has exposed a few console commands that are accessible to all players (or at least those that can access to console). If you are not familiar with the in-game console, players can reach it by hitting the "~" key, which will pop up an old-school terminal window. WRAR commands are accessed using the "cqf" (call quest function) command, followed by the quest id, the quest function, and any required parameters. Commands that WRAR has added include:

* cqf WRARQuestRadio cheatXRC
- This is the cheat code to add the "Xperimental Remote Control" to the player inventory without needing to do the "Old World Swing" quest.

* cqf WRARQuestRadio skipTracks #
- This command will "skip" the station ahead "#" tracks to play whatever track is at that slot. Review the "Song List" article to see what you should find there.
e.g. cqf WRARQuestRadio skipTracks 5 (moves the playlist forward 5 tracks)
Note that negative numbers work, as well, taking you backward the appropriate number of tracks. Exceptionally large or small (negative) numbers will take you to the last or first tracks, respectively. "0" will restart the current track.

* cqf WRARQuestRadio skipTo #
- This command works similarly to skipTracks, except that it takes the player to a specific track.
e.g. cqf WRARQuestRadio skipTo 51 (Moves the playlist to track 51)

* cqf WRARQuestRadio playNext
- Simply skips to the next song in the playlist. Same as "cqf WRARQuestRadio skipTracks 1".

* cqf WRARQuestRadio reset
- Starts the station over at track 1. "cqf WRARQuestRadio skipTo 1" would do the same thing.

* cqf WRARQuestRadio setMuteDJ #
- This command toggles DJ Mute. "0" is off, "1" is on. "0" is default.
e.g. cqf WRARQuestRadio setMuteDJ 1 (Toggles DJ Mute on. Playlist will skip all DJ tracks)

* cqf WRARQuestRadio ts
- Let's hope you never need this one. It spits the values of a few key variables to the screen in case we need to troubleshoot a problem.

* cqf WRARQuestRadio banTrack #
-Adds the indicated track to the "banned" list. The track will no longer play. Track numbers can be found next to the song name on the "Song List". Has no effect if already banned.
e.g. cqf WRARQuestRadio banTrack 2  (You'll never hear "World On A String" again)

* cqf WRARQuestRadio unBanTrack #
-Removes the indicated track to the "banned" list. The track will return to the active playlist. Track numbers can be found next to the song name on the "Song List". Has no effect if already active.
e.g. cqf WRARQuestRadio unBanTrack 2  ("World On A String" will play when it comes back up in rotation)

*cqf WRARQuestRadio resetBanlist
-Removes *all* tracks from the ban list.

Note that mixed capitalization was used here in my examples, but that was only for increased readability. Console mode doesn't care about capitalization.

One of the best uses of these commands is with a hotkeys mod, like FO4 Hotkeys. For example, you can use this command:

Y=cqf WRARQuestRadio playNext;cgf "Debug.Notification" "Next track"

...to hotkey the "next track" functionality to quickly skip past any track you don't care to hear, right now, just by tapping "Y". This general format would work with any of the WRAR commands.

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