Fallout 4

This is the method I used for this mod - Remove Pip-Boy Screen Glow:

  • Download Gibbed's Fallout 4 Tools and extract the contents of the archive (I recommend you download the latest build from his repository)
  • Go to Data\Materials\AnimObjects\PipBoy and drag & drop the PipBoyScreen.bgsm file into Gibbed.Fallout4.ConvertMaterial.exe (or use command prompt to convert it)
  • Conversion will create new, editable file called PipBoyScreen.json which can be opened with Notepad++ for example
  • To modify emittance color, change the "cEmittanceColor" variable to the color value of your choice (the default value is #141e14, modded value is #000000)
  • To disable emittance completely, set variable "bEmitEnabled" to false
  • Save any changes and rename the extension of the file from PipBoyScreen.json back to PipBoyScreen.bgsm

The emmitance color DOES affect the lit version to the point of Pip-Boy screen becoming completely unreadable.

The darker the emittance color shade, the less impact it will have on Pip-Boy screen readability, so avoid very light colors.

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