Fallout 4

Thanks everyone who helped make and support Depravity, and thanks Nexus for voting it August 2019 Mod of the Month. Got some new players checking out Project Valkyrie, Outcasts & Remnants, and Fusion City Rising as a result. And with that, some more user comments for your enjoyment:

YouTube, Nexus, and Discord

- (A YouTuber escapes Fallon's prison, looking for Murphy): "You got a lot to answer for. Where you n***** at? All the bullshit y'all done put me through. Imma be..." (Sees Eden) "Woah, how you doing?"

- I think I'm gonna load up my game too and stare at Sarah's ass while we quest.

- Another strip club needs your help.

- Shame Raina isn't available as a companion. I imagined her to be good in high heels and whipping people to death. All while wearing the same deadpan expression. Is it bad I wanted her to step on me?

- I’ve done a lot of horrible stuff in this game. I sided with the Raiders (specifically the Disciples) in vanilla Nuka World. I’ve enslaved people with Sim Settlements Conqueror. I’ve installed Killable Children and Raider Children. I’ve tried just about every mod on the Nexus that lets me kill Preston. And not once have I felt like a bigger dick than I did at the end of Harley’s quest.

The MemeMan Chronicles

A user, we'll call him MemeMan for short, opens a bug report:

Mememan: Opening door out of prison CTD

Thuggy: Check your porn texture mods for bad textures and verify your save game isn't corrupt.

Mememan: How dare you talk to people like that. I don't have any "porn texture mods". Maybe instead of being rude and blaming porn mods that I don't even have, you could oh gee, I don't know, look into the issue? You're not a modding god. Stop acting like one and take responsibility for your stuff rather than blaming others. (He lists his load order showing 5 porn mods, including a female deathclaw bestiality mod).

Nexus User 2: "How dare you imply I use porn mods!" Proceeds to post load order with at least 5 dead giveaways in it.

(One of Mememan's mods is AAF)

Mememan: I have zero porn animation mods. FemaleDeathClawsIntegrated is for variety....VulpineRace is just because I'm a furry. And if you hate on furries here, you get banned....Grow up Thuggy. You can't blame porn mods I don't have. Just because I have AAF and a furry mod doesn't mean I have other "porn" mods...

I loaded only this mod into the Creation Kit, then attempted to open AAVaultTecResidential. The CK crashed. So, with that in mind, it is 100% this mod that is causing the problem, not anything else. Do not doubt my experience, I've been modding Fallout 4 since 2016. Account registration dates mean nothing.

(Other Nexus users respond, citing some statistics and pointing out that the mod and cell in question loads just fine in Creation Kit)

Mememan: Well then you have a pirated version of the Creation Kit.... People like you are the reason I don't post my mods here.

(Other users reply with some troubleshooting tips)

Mememan: Nothing is wrong with me. You're clearly the problem here. You're part of Thuggysmurf's "friends network"... There's a lot of people like this. "oh it can't be a problem I made, it HAS to be something on your end". I see it at work all the time. I work in IT.

(Other users respond. Not getting anywhere, MemeMan moves his attack to Reddit Fallout Mods)

Mememan: Great to see mod authors are so willing to fix bugs... except Thuggysmurf, "Hurr durr it's probably your porn mods, no my buggy shit"

Reddit User 1: So since you got sh*t on at Nexus you want to bring it over here for further sh*t eating? They are right you know, it's most likely on your end whether you want to believe it or not.

Mememan: My load order is in the post. I don't have any porn mods.

(Other users respond, exchanges take place, and Mememan confesses to being a porn mod author on LoversLab)

Reddit User 2: Yo dipsh*t, it's not the modders fault that you're a stupid dumb*ss who's into f*cking deathclaws and animals and can't competently manage mods.... And trying to defend yourself when you unironically use loverslab? Yeah, it's just for "research" right? Also, your mods are literally furry pornographic sex sh*t. One of your mods has a white tiger playermodel f*cking a girl as the cover. And there's also the amputee weird shit on there.

(MemeMan proceeds to delete all his Reddit posts, and then deletes his Reddit account. Meanwhile, the Nexus moderators decide to delete 30 of the 34 posts in the bug report thread that MemeMan filed. A clarification bug report is filed, wondering aloud whether the Nexus moderators would also be kind enough to check into some of the mods on Nexus that sexualize little girls. Seeing this post, Mememan responds)

Mememan: The only reason Dimonized UNP is required for the high texture quality provided by that body mod. In addition, those "child" mods are made by non-American and non-English authors, so blame foreign culture, not the Nexus. And if the Nexus goes down, no big deal, considering there's people like you here. Honestly I hope the Nexus gets taken down.

(Some users respond, explaining why child porn and sexualizing little girls is wrong. Another user then chimes in with a mod issue)

Nexus User: Was there a solution to the "opening doors ctd" problem? I am having this issue too. My game crashes when I try to enter Raider Emporium.

Mememan:  PM me your mod list and let's see if we can pinpoint some similarities on our own, since Thuggysmurf isn't gonna do jack sh*t to fix his mod... Incompatibilities are still counted as bugs and should be fixed whether the author is a lazy POS or not.

(User chimes back in to clarify that it was his compatibility patch for two porn mods causing the issue, and that he's since updated his mod. But at this point another user has reported MemeMan. Nexus moderators decide they've had enough and ban him, thus sadly ending the saga for now).

Disgruntled Mod Authors and Banned Nexus Users on Reddit profess their love for Thuggysmurf

- I'll be reporting all of these mods for malware and encourage everyone I know to do so as well.

- Given that the author has a habit of going through and purging any remotely negative comments (now watch, he'll come after me for saying that), a report might be the only way to actually have your grievances heard by people who might actually give half a fuck.

- I'll make as big a stink as I can and hurt their profits.

- At least one of the mod authors is so thin skinned and narcissistic about his work that he outright denies easily provable things and resorts to psychopathic psychological abuse tactics whenever someone dares to criticism his work.

- If there were a downvote system on the Nexus, he'd probably be a nobody.

- If you know how the mods work, do you think he deliberately did anything to corrupt people's saves for uninstalling his mods?

Neo-Nazi guy: It's a shame Hitler wasn't more successful in gassing the K*kes so I wouldn't have to deal with you.

(Thuggysmurf: points out publicly to the Reddit FalloutMods moderator that when they choose to accommodate Neo-Nazis on their subreddit, those users rarely stop at one attack)

Neo-Nazi guy: I'm sick of you lying about me and trying to slander everyone who criticizes your mods. I tried repeatedly to offer constructive feedback and all you've ever done is personally attack everyone... I am not going to tolerate any more accusation of being a "Neo Nazi"

You already screwed my game with your bizarre porn mods. Since you silence everyone on your mod pages that calls you out, I will be making sure that as many people as possible find out how terrible your mods are before they install them and then get stuck with them. I'll be writing a Medium article with screenshot quotes by everyone on here who has called you out along with all the really twisted things you included in your mods.

(Proceeds to make misogynistic slurs directed at Valkyrie's voice actor, then edits them out, perhaps realizing we'll publish it. BTW, congratulations, you've been published! Also, there's no Valkyrie romance option anymore. Wonder why?)

Depravity PS4 Version Update

(For clarity, Depravity on PS4 isn't a real thing. Someone posted a placebo file on Bethesda.net and called it "Depravity PS4 Version". That hasn't stopped thousands of PS4 players from downloading the fake mod, some even raving about it)

- I was playing on my PS4 today, Depravity was fully functional, thank you ! It's nice to see a mod like this being converted for the console ! Unfortunately my brother cannot play this mod with the Xbox One atm...

(We try to point out that it's not real, but it's hard convincing people sometimes)

Discord User 1: (Regarding Project Valkyrie) It isn't on ps4. Sad day

Discord User 2
: neither is Depravity or any other mods discussed here...

Discord User 1: Depravity is.You are wrong my friend.Many of the mods discussed here are compatible with ps4 and xbox one. In fact I've been discussing them all day. Lol

Discord User 2
: so, uh no it's not

Discord User 1: So then tell me how I downloaded it onto my ps4.

Discord User 2
 because it's a fake mod, it's 1.3 KB, it should be 723 MB, which is the main reason it can't be on X-Box even, and it can't be on PS4 because Sony doesn't allow custom files at all.  Any mods for PS4 has to use only the base game resources, which is why there are so few mods for PS4, but fine if you don't believe me, go to Concord and look for Stella, and for Fallons, the headquarters of Murphy's gang which starts this mod's questline and lets you take over Diamond City as mayor and take over Goodneighbour for the most part, I'll wait

Discord User 3: (Posts screenshot of positive reviews of PS4 Depravity)

Discord User 4
: See. It’s working !

Discord User 3: Its very immersive, blends into the vanilla game very well

Discord User 1: What the hell is the point of a free fake mod?

Discord User 2
: you'd hardly notice it's even there

Discord User 1: So they did it to eat up space and create confusion.

Discord User 2
: it's a very tiny amount of space though, a lot of confusion however!

Discord User 5: I will admit, I am the porter

Discord User 2
: lol, awesome compression dude!

Discord User 4
: From 700Mb to 1.7Kb, he has a NASA file compressor

Discord User 5: Many compromises were made. For example not having anything from Depravity.

Discord User 3: (Discord User 1) isn’t connected.. Sniff.. I was waiting for his reaction

(The PS4 Users on YouTube begin to figure it out)

- The mod looks great, but I see that your ported it over to the PS4 and that got me excited. But how do I actually start the mod? I've placed it in different spots of my load order but nothing. Is there something I'm missing?

- I can't get it to work ether

- Yea I've tried moving it around and everything and still nothing.

- i cant really get this mod working within the ps4 but i love the concept and how it looks in general!

- Does not work in ps4 version

- I found that too. Its a shame cause it looks great

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