Fallout 4


fixed SetPropertyValueEx and GetPropertyValueExalso now u can create shared options list in json
define lists in header
"minMcmVersion": 1,
"modName": "ESH",
"ownerModName": "def_w_core",
"displayName": "Explosives Swap Hotkeys",
"sharedLists": {
"list1": [
"list2": [

then use
"valueOptions": {
"sharedOptions": "list1",
"sourceType": "ModSettingInt"

also u can get options list from formlist
"valueOptions": {
"listFromForm": "test_perks.esp|177B",
"sourceType": "ModSettingInt"

but u need update dll from pull request i created on git
also u can get options from String[] property
"valueOptions": {
"listFromProperty": {
"form": "test_perks.esp|179D",
"scriptName": "TCC",
"propertyName": "stringArrayProp"
"sourceType": "ModSettingInt"

also now u can get text or help from string propery or even strings array propertyformat
"id": "iList:Fallout4.esm|10c3c6",
"type": "dropdown",
"textFromStringProperty": {
"form": "test_perks.esp|179D",
"scriptName": "TCC",
"propertyName": "stringProp"
"helpFromStringProperty": {
"form": "test_perks.esp|179D",
"scriptName": "TCC",
"propertyName": "stringProp"
"id": "iPos:Fallout4.esm|10c3c6",
"type": "slider",
"textFromStringArrayProperty": {
"form": "test_perks.esp|179D",
"scriptName": "TCC",
"propertyName": "stringArrayProp",
"index": 1
"helpFromStringArrayProperty": {
"form": "test_perks.esp|179D",

also if u use textFromStringProperty textFromStringArrayProperty u no need define text field at all
same with help

and finally now u can prevent autotint for any option
"type": "image",
"libName": "cc_cleaner",
"className": "cccleaner_logo",
"noTint": true

but if u use noTint for html text u can use default tint color for some text
"text": "<p align = \"center\"><font color='#ff0000'>tint color example </font><font color='$$tintCT'>CCCleaner</font></p>",
"html": true,
"type": "text",
"noTint": true

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