Fallout 4

Just a small tutorial on how to combine my patches into one .ba2 file to save .esp space.

First of all, you'll need: - Archive2.exe found in C:\installation folder\Fallout 4\Tools\Archive2 (downloaded with the CreationKit)
                                       - WinRar or any other archiver program (Only for Mod Manager Installation)

01. Download the LOOSE Files version of the patches for all the mods you want to silence.

      *The patches that are offered in loose files only should NOT be archived as they will not work.*

02. Extract all the .rar files into one folder.

03. Once you are done, start the Archive2.exe.

04. Click the Archive Tab and select the Add Folder... button.

05. Find and select the Sound folder you extracted.

      *It will take a while if you have many files to combine. Make sure that the File Entry Name looks like this:
        Sound/Voice/ModName.esp/PlayerVoiceFemale01 or PlayerVoiceMale01*

06. Click the Archive Tab and select the Settings... button. Set the Maximum Archive Size (MB) to 2000 AND the Compression to None.

07. Click OK

08. Go to the File Tab and select the Save As... button. Give it a name you'll remember and add - Voices_en in the end.

      *make sure the - has a space before AND after it*
      *if you don't use English, change the en to your language*

09. Take my empty .esp file from the Miscellaneous files and put it in the same folder as the new .ba2 file. Rename it to the name of the .ba2 file, without the - Voices_en.

There are two ways to install your new mod. The Manual Installation and through the Mod Manager. I only used the Nexus Mod Manager, so if anyone can give instructions on how to add it on the others please feel free to comment bellow.

Manual: Take the .esp and the .ba2 files and put them inside the Data folder. Don't forget to activate the new mod AND put it below all the mods that get patched by it.

Nexus Mod Manager: Select the .esp and the .ba2 files and use your archiver program to make a .rar file(For Winrar is right-click and Add to archive...). Open the NMM and click the green + button. Select the .rar file you created and activate it. Again, don't forget to put it below all the mods that get patched by it.

That's It! You can now delete my .rar files and all other files we used in this process.

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