Fallout 3

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Bobbleheads are a nice little series of collectibles to find out in the wasteland, and they reward your time and effort with some nice stat bonuses. Today we'll be collecting everyone of these bobbleheads.

- Time Stamps -

Strength - 1:25
Perception - 2:09
Endurance - 2:31
Charisma - 3:16
Intelligence - 3:57
Agility - 4:21
Luck - 4:49
Barter - 5:51
Big Guns - 6:37
Energy Weapons - 7:07
Explosives - 7:54
Lockpick - 8:35
Medicine - 9:06
Melee Weapons - 9:42
Repair - 10:12
Science - 10:35
Small Guns - 11:11
Sneak - 11:44
Speech - 12:12
Unarmed - 12:37

I used this often, it may help you out - http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_3_map

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