Fallout 3

Recent small site updates

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For those who like to keep up-to-date with changes made to the site I thought I would post up a recent change log. I only like to announce major changes to the site in the site news, but if you didn't know I keep a log of almost all changes I make to the site, big or small, in the Change Log section of the forums.

    • A YouTube BBCode tag has been added to both the site and the forums, so you can now include YouTube videos in your mod descriptions and comments. Usage instructions are in the change log topic
    • The image share section has had a reshuffle of its image pages to include the new tabbed navigation system that was recently adopted in the file database.
    • Several pages, including the category lists and search results now use a drop-down menu to navigate page links. Many categories and searchs produce results with literally hundreds of pages to browse, so a more space efficient method of displaying the page list was needed
    • There is now a link under all comments on the site allowing you to report comments that are rude or abusive to moderators
    • You can now edit your comments directly via the site, rather than going to the forum thread to edit
    • A new sort option, "Uploader", has been added to category and search results. This allows you to order results by Uploader name, ascending or descending.
    • The browse category page now correctly shows the date of the last file upload in that category

If you haven't already I recommend reading my recent interview with gstaff on the official Bethesda Blog to catch up on all the major updates planned for the site.