About this mod
Retextures PreWar and Ruined books with larger, and more detailed textures. Includes several PreWar book variants
- Permissions and credits
Detailing the Eldrich-Higher-Res Apocrypha
Detailing the Eldrich-Higher-Res Riekling Architecture
Update - There are now 6 separate files for download:
the original retexture pack, the grimier books, and now 4 prewar only variant packs.
Unless anyone has requests, I don't think I'll be doing anymore of these damned books. Enjoy!
Also, check out my Skill Book/Survival Guide Retextures:
Better HiRes Skill Books
And my Clutter Retextures:
Retextured Clutter Collection
Name: Hi-Res Generic and Burned Books Retexture
Author: ObsidianStag
version 1.Something
Hi-Res Books.
Just a simple retexture I did out of boredom... This mod replaces the default generic pre-war and burned book textures with larger, and more detailed
versions, which have been reworked entirely. I enlarged them to 512, up from 256, including the normal maps. Also included, but not pictured,
is the bedside manual from a certain seduction mod...
1. Extract the Data folder inside of the archive to your Fallout 3 root directory.
2.Edit your Fallout.ini file, located in your 'my games' folder, changing the binvalidateolderfilesvalue to 1 ( binvalidateolderfiles=1).
1. Delete the generic and burned book textures in your clutter folder.
2. Update your Archiveinvalidation text.
Feel free to use these textures in other mods, or hires packs, just contact/credit me is all I ask.
Check out my mods as a part of Ultimate Load Order and FOOK.