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This mod adds an unarmed weapon which was based off of Captain Falcon's famous attack into the mens restroom in megaton. if you you blew it up then you can find another one on on the flight deck of Rivet City (which is vitually at the bottom right corner of the map. This mod DOES have sound files of the captain screaming things so yes you will hear "FALCON PAUNCH!" and some other things when you pick up or equip it. I have here an incredibly cheap version that will insta-kill someone and i have the not so cheap version that only hurts people. The critical makes people burst into flames and die. (like the laser) to install drop the sound folder and the esp into (programfiles/BethesdaSoftworks/fallout3/data) then when you launch the game press data files and check it on. (p.s. this weapon works VERY WELL with the bloody mess perk)

(P.S. yes i know that the sound sync is more than a bit off, but i can't fix it, or at least not right now, so don't complain.)

(P.P.S. only use one of the esp files, not both!)

THIS JUST IN! I have edited the insta-kill version so if you had problems with the sound please re-download and re-install the sound folder. That should fix any sound problems with the insta-kill version