Look, I don't really give a crap about what you do with these scripts and esps, do whatever you want with them; just credit me for my work, okay? And DO NOT take money for my work.
File credits
Scripts and esps by me (SpookySleep) Reverb Fart sound from a free sound archive
Donation Points system
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Version 2.0EX
Reduced the distance that NPCs get blasted at (from 2000 units to 1000 units)
Reduced the force of fart knockback (from 30 to 15)
Script now checks if you can see the NPC you are blasting away (you won't knock people back behind walls/out of your line of sight)
Script now has a CreateDetectionEvent placed after the fart sfx (unknown if it actually does anything)
Script is now commented for aspiring scripters
Version 2.0
Actors within 2000 units of player now get blown away when the player farts
Lowered the volume of the fart
Version 1.0
initial release
What is this? This is just a cut down ported version of my mod Press N to Fart (with Reverb) for Fallout 3. You press N, you get a fart with reverb. Simple.
This is "cut down" because FOSE and Command Extender lack support for array variables and event handling, so I can't have things be pushed away from you in this one :( Maybe one day we'll get both those backported to FO3.
I figured out how to do loops the old way using label/goto, so now this is practically the same as the New Vegas original and pushes actors away from you. Neat!
How to Install Install normally with your mod manager of choice. It shouldn't break anything if you add it to a current save, nor should it break anything if you remove it at any time.
Uninstallation is installation in reverse.
Requires Fallout 3 FOSE Possibly Command Extender (these are things you probably already have installed imo) A sense of humor
Check out KnightRaven's video on the New Vegas original