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MisterOldVegas and FirestarterDB

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About this mod

This mod adds a fully voiced molerat companion, Shifty, to the game!

Permissions and credits
This mod is the second version of a previous mod, Shifty the Mole Rat; the companion itself found it's way onto every playthrough and as such I felt like I had to do it justice. He can be found hanging around Springvale, and is a nice lil buddy to have along on your travels. Unlike my previous companion mod, Shifty is voiced by an actual human: my little brother (he didn't have a voice in the previous version). Slight mention: Shifty, and me are part of a trio so I recommend using Johanna the Follower 2 to complete it!
Shifty 2 includes these changes:
  • Quicker moving speed so he can catch up
  • Gave him a voice (again, not robotic! voiced by my little brother)
  • Allows you to ask him questions about his history
  • Slightly buffed his health

DISCLAIMER: this original mod was made by TheRedTrainGaming (or now known as FirestarterDB I believe). He has not given me permission to make this mod, however he has not been active on The Nexus for a few years and hasn't replied to my previous messages. If he asks me to take this mod down then I will do so.

Don't forget to to endorse!
Check out my other Fallout 3 mods:
Added bathroom to Megaton House
Johanna the Follower 2

Try my mods for Fallout 4:
Hats with Hair 2020
No Pack Armor Teddies
Secondary Armor Modification
No Corvega Radiants
... and others!