Ace Gunman of Legend

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an Ace gunman in the making


  1. vashts1985
    • premium
    • 209 kudos
    yeah its vanilla hair. closest but no where neer what its gotta be lol
  2. spacerogue
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    lol I thought it was you <img class=">

    if you get that duster done then I SO wanne try it xD *reminds herself that she still has her own duster to make* eep ... Good job on the glasses.

    Question about the hair tho , is that also your model ? I'm not sure but I think I'v seen something simular in the game on a guy just called 'Hunter' ( I wanted that hairstyle Beth D: bleh )

    And aww man, how did you get a face that doesn't look like a 40 year old ?!

    PS; hope to see more shots in the future !!!
  3. vashts1985
    • premium
    • 209 kudos
    thats the idea <img class=">

    the hair has to change and i wanna model the coat as well
  4. Dragongreatsword
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Somehow the characrater remínds me of Vash stampede from trigun series.