Fallout 3
That dates me

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28th October 2018: 10 years of FO3.


  1. HadToRegister
    • premium
    • 195 kudos
    Almost to the part of the game where I shoot Dad and Jonas unconscious with the BB gun.
    1. JimboUK
      • premium
      • 462 kudos
      And dad gets back up and gives you more ammo.
    2. HadToRegister
      • premium
      • 195 kudos
      "Radiant AI"
  2. TheAwesomeTRex
    • member
    • 23 kudos
    10 years! Can't decide if it feels longer than that or shorter. I guess I don't seem to keep track of time too well these days.
    But it has certainly has been a while, hasn't it! I remember playing this thing back when it just came out, on that laptop that gave me actual burns on my leg once!
    Thinking just how bad it looked and how horribly it played! I mean even back then the graphics looked like crap, but bad graphics/art style never turned me off before, and when it shined it really shined! I even started liking how it looked, parts of this game still look good even today.

    The combat is still crap though! I did not like it then, and I sure as heck don't like it now. A few mods here and there do make things enjoyable, even pretty good actually! This game could have been a marvelous shooter honestly, but it wanted to stay in this in between zone that satisfied practically no one!

    But I still kinda kept on playing over the years! The main story of this game when it comes to me, is head and shoulders above the rest of the franchise, and people can try to tell otherwise till they bleed from the eyes!