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I was really bored yesterday and while I had some aviators I downloaded a while ago, they just didn't look the way I wanted. So, I fired up Blender and made new ones myself, the way I want them to look

They're a bit high-poly (2372 polygons) but who gives a rat's ass about that, I've seen worse. I'll have to scale down the maps though since currently, glasses are using a 1024x1024 maps (except for 128x768 cubemap). Environmental mapping enabled and used which, I must say, looks better than expected.

They still don't conformulate to the face though, I haven't been able to create an egm that doesn't distort them in a very weird way. They work fine without it but I'll still try to make the egm.

Anyhow, what do you guys/girls/people think of them? Suggestions are welcome.