Fallout 3

Version 1.2 changes:
SLI, dual monitor, and inactive mouse fixes.
Game speed > 60 fps fix.
Nifskope tutorial reference.
D.C. Moods & Arwen's tweaks listed as good mod alternatives.
Alternate method of resolving windows 8 fallout launcher "play" crashes.
Streetlights bug.
Stronger verbage mandating 4gb enabler with larger NMC texture packs.
Refined Robco, FWE, NMC, and Ironsights instructions.
Blackened description improved.

This 9 page guide is sure to improve your fallout 3 experience!

The Ultimate Fallout 3 Setup and Mod Guide includes:

* The best info on setting up fallout 3 for trouble free gameplay.

* A guide to setting up fallout 3 for mods.

* A biased list of recommended mods, including time saving and trouble avoiding install tips.

Many key tips for mods are buried deep in their respective discussion sections. Many people have incorrectly setup their mods because they don't have the info in this guide.


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