
Changes to our file uploader and large file uploading fix

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As you are all probably aware we have had an issue for many, many months now with our file uploader not being able to process large file uploads (typically files above 300MB in size). During this time we’ve been working with mod authors to manually upload large files to our database for them. Obviously this isn't ideal for either you or for us, so we've also been working diligently behind the scenes to get a new uploader coded for the sites. We've finished work on this new uploader and it’s now live and available to be used on the sites.

This new uploader brings with it a number of new benefits over the old system, on top of providing support for large file uploads again (we've tested with files up to 3GB in size, so far):

  • All users will now be shown a progress meter, showing how much of the file has currently been uploaded
  • Uploads can now be paused and resumed
  • If you close the page by mistake or you are disconnected for whatever reason, you can now reopen the page and begin the upload exactly where you left it (24 hour time limit on uploads, however!)
  • Your file will not have a working download link until the file has actually propagated across our Content Delivery Network. It can take up to an hour for this to happen. This will stop people complaining about your file being corrupt or only partially downloading before it breaks when they try to download your file too soon after you’ve uploaded it

You no longer need to email or direct message me with your files. Just upload them onto the site as you normally would via your file page admin areas.


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  1. Otellino
    • premium
    • 496 kudos
    I uploaded a new version of my mod on the 3rd of August ( http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/39531/? ) and it seemed to have gone live immediately, at least on my end. However, tonight (26th August), I checked back (From the same PC, same IP and all that) and I'm suddenly getting "The file is currently being uploaded to our file servers and it will be ready to be downloaded soon." as are other people I know managed to download it before fine. Is there anything I can do? :/
  2. gluumba
    • supporter
    • 43 kudos
    So i guess it's all still being moved? I keep getting
    "The file is currently being uploaded to our file servers and it will be ready to be downloaded soon."
    even with my own mods. On quite a few things.
  3. ideaspy
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Sorry, wrong thread...
  4. chainedbyroses
    • member
    • 0 kudos

    I am unable to test right now as my main computer is down with a dead Motherboard. I'm currently using an old laptop running Linux - which is barely able to run the forum site.
    If you can get someone else to test - send your images to them and have them try to upload. That will help narrow it down some.

    Okay, I'll try finding someone to give it a go. Would it have to be a forum/site moderator to test it out, or is anyone okay?
    1. ideaspy
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Sorry, I hit the wrong reply button
  5. crashpilot
    • premium
    • 32 kudos

    This should now be fixed. We're going to make some more changes at a later date to do more checks on uploaded files incase this ever happens in the future. 

    Great that you fixed the up-loader, unfortunately now I cannot download any files.
    If I am very quick and I manage to catch one of the download servers it may work but most of the time I am redirected  to "http://www.nexusmods.com/games/?" and the game starts all over.
    Edit: I tried with IE and Firefox, same issue with both browsers.
  6. MrMason
    • Development Director
    • 12 kudos
    This should now be fixed. We're going to make some more changes at a later date to do more checks on uploaded files incase this ever happens in the future. 
  7. MrMason
    • Development Director
    • 12 kudos
    Hi Guys,
    I think I've found what the problem is / might be - whilst we fix it, there is a way you can make sure your upload works on the new uploader.
    After your file is uploaded - and it says that it's at 100% - and you can move to the next step - just wait for a bit rather than continuing. For small files, just wait 30 seconds -for a file of 300MB I'd wait at least 5 minutes. For a large files 1GB or more, I'd wait 20 minutes. I know this is not ideal - and we'll get this sorted ASAP - for some reason the rebuilding/moving of the completed uploads is taking a very long time ( minutes instead of seconds ) - So when you move to the next page, it's moving partially rebuilt files, hence why they're getting corrupted.
    As Dark0ne already said - you can also use the old uploader too.
  8. chrishpz
    • premium
    • 64 kudos
    I've been having problems with the new uploader the last few days. I've uploaded several different compressed versions of my mod ( .zip, .7z ). Now on my computer, these archives are uncorrupted. However, once I upload these archives to Nexus and summarily redownload them, the files come back corrupted. I've checked my archiving software and made sure I have the latest versions so I'm at a bit of a loss.
    1. Cynndal
      • premium
      • 408 kudos
      I've had this same problem when uploading two different mods in the last two days.
    2. Dark0ne
      • Site Owner
      • 2,925 kudos
      Please can you try using the old uploader. It's linked to on the upload page.
    3. Cynndal
      • premium
      • 408 kudos
      The old uploader works fine....I've just switched to using that for now.
  9. User_133263
    • account closed
    • 232 kudos
    Rustic Clothing has bad file uploads today too .. I dont think Gamwich is aware of the problem yet, but the fans of the mod are filling up the comments with the same problem reports
  10. BestJoker86
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I've tried to upload a file (1,2 GB) 5 times and it doesn't work. After the upload is complete the filesize is only 80 MB ... the second time 300 MB  ... the third time it had 120 MB. What can i do?
    1. Dark0ne
      • Site Owner
      • 2,925 kudos
      Please can you try using the old uploader. It's linked to on the upload page.