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About this mod

Replaces the Guild Exterior (Lookout Point) with a collection of architecture, objects and NPCs, that can be found in the game files.
This includes cut content that you wouldn't normally find, while playing the vanilla game.

Permissions and credits
This is a mod known as The Content Museum. It is a restoration project that I made to show off various things in Fable's History and Development. It replaces the Guild Exterior Map (Lookout Point) with a collection of architecture, objects and NPCs, that can still be found in the game files. This even includes cut content that you wouldn't normally find, while playing the vanilla game.

I hope to add everything into this nice little package, just so that people don't have to spend the same amount of time hunting and spawning the assets themselves. Lately, I have currently been taking interest specifically in the games cut content, so most of the usable assets are in there.

This only includes the material that can actually be spawned or that there is evidence for in the game files for different versions of Fable.

The Museum Currently Displays (Version 1.5):
- Hero Titles
- Style Cards
- Expressions
- Dragon Cliff
- Flying Raven
- Human NPCs
- Demon Doors
- Fresco Crystal
- Pub Game Models
- Unused Test Maps
- Creatures and Animals
- Trophies and Trophy Dealer
- Stealth Challenge Cave
- Potions, Gifts and Food
- Weapons and Clothing
- Wasp Nest Generator
- Boasting Pedestal
- Augmentations
- Material Chunks
- Moveable Crates
- Knothole Totems
- WishWorld Assets
- Unused Quest Items
- Traps and Gimmicks

Note: This mod is NOT meant to be played along side the game's main story. It has been designed purely for showing off Fable's History and nothing more. Some maps have intentionally been replaced, which means that quests involving them are not going to function how they are supposed to. Do not expect to play the storyline after installing this mod. I advise sticking to Lookout Point and the Heroes Guild even before you install the mod.