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Reading Books now gives a Knowledge Point.
Enderal Amnesia Shrine (Skill - Stat - Memory reset) - EnderalLE
Allows the player to rebalance their base stats (health, mana, stamina) or redo their combat and crafting skills (1-handed, archery, light armor, sneak, alchemy, etc) and reset memory point allocation.
- 54KB
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Enderal Amnesia Shrine (Skill - Stat - Memory reset) - EnderalLE
Allows the player to rebalance their base stats (health, mana, stamina) or redo their combat and crafting skills (1-handed, archery, light armor, sneak, alchemy, etc) and reset memory point allocation.
You can now buy maps that will show you the landmarks of the region.
Enderal Cheats !!!! Updated!
Base Carry Weight Ten Thousand
Changes Base Carry Weight to 10,000
Removes the upper bound of 250 gold per day, allowing you to earn interest on all of your money deposited at the bank in Ark.
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Removes the upper bound of 250 gold per day, allowing you to earn interest on all of your money deposited at the bank in Ark.
SoulMaster's Everlasting Torch
An Everlasting Torch that can be found early in the game.
ALDER Arcane Fever Remove And night vision
Remove the arcane fever on many thing in the game and the negative effect, add a barrier if zone or lycan transforme raise it at 70% its turn back to 0% directly. The version 2.0 have also a night vision spell in thaumaturge perk tree
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ALDER Arcane Fever Remove And night vision
Remove the arcane fever on many thing in the game and the negative effect, add a barrier if zone or lycan transforme raise it at 70% its turn back to 0% directly. The version 2.0 have also a night vision spell in thaumaturge perk tree
Fixing Skyrim's melee combat one tweak at a time
This mod seeks to add more depth to Necromancy in Enderal. It prevents reanimated thralls from turning to ashpiles upon death, adds a new perk that extends the duration of reanimation spells, gives you the ability to interact and buff your summons and reanimated thralls, teaches a new spell to summon them and more.
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This mod seeks to add more depth to Necromancy in Enderal. It prevents reanimated thralls from turning to ashpiles upon death, adds a new perk that extends the duration of reanimation spells, gives you the ability to interact and buff your summons and reanimated thralls, teaches a new spell to summon them and more.
Removes the lockpicking requirements from perks.
More efficient mining for Enderal
Makes mining in Enderal much easier
Summon apparition enhancements
Allows to summon Apparitions while in combat and optionally in cities.
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Summon apparition enhancements
Allows to summon Apparitions while in combat and optionally in cities.
This mod makes Tharael into follower after finishing his questline.
Yeros Cellar - Stick Puzzle Cheat
Increases the time you have on the puzzle to 60 seconds.
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Yeros Cellar - Stick Puzzle Cheat
Increases the time you have on the puzzle to 60 seconds.
Enderal Akropolis Campsite - EnderalLE
Adds configurable options to have your own campsite in the meditation Akropolis in Enderal.
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Enderal Akropolis Campsite - EnderalLE
Adds configurable options to have your own campsite in the meditation Akropolis in Enderal.
Good Shot achievement - made easier
I suck at hitting the sphere with my slow reaction speed, this mod just makes the sphere 5 times bigger so its easier to hit. (the bow and arrows become visible before the game starts). No real need for this unless you care about steam achievements.
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Good Shot achievement - made easier
I suck at hitting the sphere with my slow reaction speed, this mod just makes the sphere 5 times bigger so its easier to hit. (the bow and arrows become visible before the game starts). No real need for this unless you care about steam achievements.
Learning and Crafting Points Away (LaCPA)
Removes the learning and crafting points from the game and does its best to hide them from the UI as well. You can now use as many books as you can get your hands on.
- 191KB
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Learning and Crafting Points Away (LaCPA)
Removes the learning and crafting points from the game and does its best to hide them from the UI as well. You can now use as many books as you can get your hands on.
Advanced Combat AI (All Languages)
This is a light weight version of the changes made to combat AI by EGO (Enderal Gameplay Overhaul)
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Advanced Combat AI (All Languages)
This is a light weight version of the changes made to combat AI by EGO (Enderal Gameplay Overhaul)
Gameplay Tweaks (All Languages)
Several small gameplay altering patches which include changes made by EGO (Enderal Gameplay Overhaul)
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Gameplay Tweaks (All Languages)
Several small gameplay altering patches which include changes made by EGO (Enderal Gameplay Overhaul)