Zarawether - Ark at last

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  1. BlackMaid
    • premium
    • 331 kudos
    Wow, what a wonderful surprise ... Zarawether reached Ark ... Welcome
    The pics are stunning and I rcognize all locations and details ... Rhona is in too
    1. Excellentium
      • member
      • 355 kudos
      Yep, I made it to Ark just yesterday... I've played some today as well, but not with Zarawether. She's up for her next show tomorrow I think, because I still need to make my way up to the Sun Temple with Jespar. After that - if I remember correctly - I'm a bit free to do what I want for a while. Since she's a ranger, I might help the fellow outside Ark and collect these eggs he's looking for... either that, or I'm thinking about making my way to Fogville. I picked up a quest by the old man in the end of this set when entering "The Dancing Nomad" Inn that leads me there. It appears to be a dangerous one though, so I'm not still sure about it. I might find something else to do while exploring the rest of Ark...

      Thank you kidnly, my dame!
    2. BlackMaid
      • premium
      • 331 kudos
      I remember Fogville from my first Enderal time ... just fantastic and moody
    3. Excellentium
      • member
      • 355 kudos
      Sounds really intriguing!

      I might change direction for a bit though and take a turn towards Farmer's Coast for a day or two. I need to find some eggs there...
  2. skywolle
    • premium
    • 172 kudos
    The pictures look amazing with this LUT and Zarawether absolutely amazing, well done, Rick.
    1. Excellentium
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      • 355 kudos
      Yep, this LUT is my favorite one to use of them all. I have others that I really like too, but November LUT has this certain atmosphere that I very much enjoy for my gameplay. It gets awfully dark of course at times, but that's only natural and I do like the realism it provides even if it lacks in some colours. Thanks also for the kind words about Zarawether! She's easily one of my dearest characters and I'm very fond of her...

      Many thanks, Sky!
  3. tepeloalnefor
    • member
    • 53 kudos
    Very nice screens, that food looks delicious!
    1. Excellentium
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      • 355 kudos
      Some cheese and wine, the warmth from inside the inn and joyful music plaued by a band of bards. A very cosy moment and a rest well deserved after the long walk...

      Thank you very much, Tepe!
  4. deleted75479183
    • account closed
    • 65 kudos
    Fabulous captures, movie like. Beautiful work mate
    1. Excellentium
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      • 355 kudos
      I really enjoy that you find it "movie-like", David, because if I don't have the time to put words to my work, I sure would like to bring the sense of a story anyway with images alone. It's probably why my sets often get carried away too in regards of the amount of shots, but that "movie" has to be shown....

      Thank you kindly!