Elden Ring

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About this mod

Summon Ranni, Melina, Sellen, Millicent, Blaidd, Fia, and Rogier by replacing the ashes, and their skills have been enhanced.

Permissions and credits

1. Ranni replaces Noble Sorcerer Ashes
    Carries enhanced spells and Bloodhound's Step.
  • The action of Swift Glintstone Shard includes tracking projectiles (with the appearance of Glintstone Icecrag) and Freezing Mist effect (with the appearance of Dark Moon).
  • The action of Carian Slicer uses the appearance and range of Adula's Moonblade.
  • The appearance of Carian Phalanx uses Ancient Death Rancor, dispersing towards the direction the character is facing when idle.

2. Melina replaces Skeletal Bandit Ashes
  • Wave carries Destined Death and HP burning effect.
  • The landing point of Star Shower is supplemented with Wrath of Gold (reduced damage and impact force).
  • The Erdtree is accompanied by the Golden Vow effect (adding an emblem), which also affects Melina herself.

3. Ranni and Melina replace Wandering Noble Ashes
  • Their abilities have been carefully balanced to avoid being overly powerful.

4. Bonus: Enhanced Banished Knight Oleg is included.

Updated on May 14th with adjustments to values, adding Sorceress Sellen.

5. Sorceress Sellen replaces Glintstone Sorcerer Ashes
    Carries enhanced spells and Bloodhound's Step.
  • Glintstone Cometshard performs the action of Swift Glintstone Shard and adds Shard Spiral.
  • Shattering Crystal gains an additional knockback effect.
  • Founding Rain of Stars increases attack frequency and grants the Terra Magicus effect.

Updated on May 22nd with tweaks to the values, adding Millicent and Blaidd.

6. Millicent replaces Page Ashes
  • When HP is in a critical state, the following buffs are gained: 
       slight increase in attack, significant increase in defense, and a powerful Super Armor effect.

7. Blaidd replaces Kaiden Sellsword Ashes
  • When HP is in a critical state, the following buffs are gained: 
       significant increase in attack, slight increase in defense, and a moderate Super Armor effect.

Updated on June 6th, in addition to fine-tuning values, introduces Fia and Rogier.

8. Fia replaces Twinsage Sorcerer Ashes
    Carries enhanced spells and Bloodhound's Step, with Frostbite effect added to spells (using Death Blight visual).
  • Ancient Death Rancor modified its trajectory and added Fia's Mist.
  • Death version of Comet Azur.
  • Ghostflame scattering in five directions, inflicting status effects on enemies more easily in a wide range, 
       and adding an attack buff (Fia has ghostflame above her).

9. Rogier replaces Godrick Soldier Ashes
    Carries Ash of War: Repeating Thrust and wears a talisman with an effect similar to Millicent's Prosthesis (using blue buff visual).
  • Glintblade Phalanx increases the number of swords and won't disappear upon hitting walls but has a time limit instead.
  • Summons numerous Glintblades to aid in battle, with an added attack buff (Rogier has blue flames).

Key features of this mod:
1. Ranni and Melina will closely follow the player and face towards them when not in combat (thanks to author TransientMoon).
2. Replaces the summoning animation of a ring bell with the snapping fingers animation.
3. They can be summoned in most maps.
4. Their skills cannot be used by enemies.
5. Ranni is suitable for general map usage, while Melina is more effective against bosses and large-sized monsters.
6. They have the ability to slowly regenerate HP, with rapid regeneration below 65% HP.
7. The showcased video demonstrates their abilities at +10, so remember to upgrade if you find them too weak.
8. The replaced ashes come with New Game Plus bonuses.
9. To avoid potential damage to saves, I'll prioritize replacement over addition.

Installation Instructions:
Please Use This mod at only offline mode !

Download ModEngine2 first.
1. Install ModEngine2 (place the files inside the Game folder).
2. Backup the original regulation.bin file beforehand.
3. Then, extract and place my files in the Game folder.
4. Click launchmod_eldenring.bat to launch the game.

This mod utilizes ModEngine2, UXM, DS ANIM STUDIO, Yapped, and Yabber as tools,
as well as Ranni's Skin mod created by ApolloHoo.
Many thanks to these talented authors for their contributions.


1. 菈妮替換權貴魔法師的骨灰
  • 輝石迅魔礫的動作附加追蹤子彈(輝石冰塊的外觀)與冰霧效果(暗月外觀)
  • 卡利亞迅劍的動作使用亞杜拉的月光劍的外觀與範圍
  • 卡利亞圓陣的外觀使用古老死亡怨魂,閒置時往人物注視的地方飛散

2. 梅琳娜替換骸骨山賊的骨灰
  • 劍氣攜帶命定之死與灼燒HP效果
  • 光雨的落點附加黃金之怒(降低傷害與衝擊力)
  • 黃金樹附帶黃金樹立誓效果(添加圖徽),且對梅琳娜自身有效

3. 菈妮與梅琳娜替換徘徊權貴的骨灰
  • 有特別去調整平衡她們的能力,不至於過強

4. 額外附送加強版的失鄉騎士奧雷格


5. 魔法師瑟濂替換輝石魔法師的骨灰

  • 輝石彗星使用輝石迅魔礫的動作並附加旋飛魔礫
  • 爆散結晶增加擊退效果
  • 創星雨提高攻擊頻率附帶魔法之境效果


6. 米莉森替換隨從的骨灰
  • 在HP危急狀態下,將獲得以下增益:攻擊略微提升、防禦大幅提升,以及強大的霸體效果

7. 布萊澤替換凱丹傭兵的骨灰
  • 在HP危急狀態下,將獲得以下增益:攻擊大幅提升、防禦略微提升,以及輕微的霸體效果


8. 菲雅替換雙賢魔法師的骨灰
  • 古老死亡怨魂修改了彈道與加上菲雅煙霧
  • 死亡版的彗星亞茲勒
  • 往五方散射的靈火,大範圍能讓敵人更容易中異常狀態,且加上攻擊上升buff(菲雅頭上有靈火)

9. 羅傑爾替換葛瑞克士兵的骨灰
  • 輝劍圓陣增加了劍支數量與不會碰到牆壁就消失的效果,相對地加上了時限
  • 召喚眾多的輝劍前來助陣,且加上攻擊上升buff(羅傑爾身上有藍色火焰)

1. 菈妮與梅琳娜在非戰鬥狀態時會緊跟玩家身旁,並且會面向玩家 (感謝作者TransientMoon)
2. 召喚的搖鈴動畫改成打響指
3. 大多數的地圖都能夠召喚
4. 她們使用的招式不會被敵人所用
5. 菈妮適合一般地圖使用,梅琳娜適合打BOSS與大體型怪物
6. 她們具有緩慢恢復HP的能力,HP低於65%會快速恢復
7. 影片展示的是+10的能力,如果覺得太弱請記得升級
8. 替換的骨灰有周目加成
9. 用替換的方式而不是新增,以免遊戲存檔損壞的風險

請在離線模式下使用此模組 !

先下載 ModEngine2
1. 安裝 ModEngine2 (把裡面的文件放在Game資料夾底下)
2. 請備份Game底下原版的regulation.bin文件
3. 再把我的檔案解壓後放在Game資料夾底下
4. 點擊launchmod_eldenring.bat啟動遊戲

這個mod使用了ModEngine2, UXM, DS ANIM STUDIO, Yapped
與菈妮的外觀mod (作者ApolloHoo),非常感謝這些作者們