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About this mod

A mod for Elden Ring that lets you play as Kratos.

Permissions and credits

It replaces the Vegabond Knight Armor set


Use UXM you can download it here:
Run UXM.exe click Browse and find your eldenring.exe
It should be here: ELDEN RING\Game\eldenring.exe
Than click Unpack and when its done click on Patch
Than go to here: ELDEN RING\Game\parts   and replace the files in there with
the modded files make sure to also back up the files you replace.

If you want to Hide Weapon's Scabbards you can download that here:

Edit your models appearance and go to body type select Type A than go to
Detailed Appearance than Alter Face and Hair than Adjust Face Template
and on Bone Structure select 2 than go back and select Hair than Hair and
select 1 and than go back and do the same with Eyebrows, Facial Hair,
and Eyelashes
select 1
Or watch the video

Hiding those parts will also effect the npcs in the game.

You can also find me on here: