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About this mod

This mod adds Madara Uchiha, his Gunbai, and his signature Sussanoo. Susanoo comes with custom animations and mod comes with physics.

Permissions and credits
This Mod Pack is a submission to the current ER Modathon Reskin Catagory. 
This mod replaces the following:

  • Crucible Axe Helm
  • Crucible Axe Armor
  • Crucible Gauntlets
  • Crucible Greaves
Optional Susanoo also replaces the Crucible Greaves.

This mod replaces the following weapon:
  • Bloodhound's Fang

Attack Changes:
Dragonclaw Incantation Is Now Replaced By A Custom Susanoo Stab Attack.
Stapping the ground will leave a giant shockwave and knock back enemies.

TAEs Changed
  • a452 - Dragonclaw
To merge with regulation bin, change the following rows in Yapped
  • BehaviorParam_PC: Rows 900000551-900000553
  • EquipWeaponParam: Row 9030000: change "Sword Arts Param ID" to 114
Tutorial to merge TAE's
Thanks to Cota Studios for giving me a tutorial on how to mod Incantations
Tools Used:
.Ds Anim Studio
This mod took a great deal of time and patience. If you would like to support me and my mod creation, please dontate to me through cashapp and or paypal.
Donate to me here to support me
I wouldn't mind coffee too ;)
If you have a commision for a mod, DM me on my email and talk business.